Friday, April 9, 2010

random stuff

OK Auntie Kim, I seriously tried to find some good videos from Kalia's last dance class (parents watch saturday), but your brother may be the worst video taker- ever. Hope he doesn't read this part. He just keeps thinking it's recording when it's not and then recording when he doesn't realize it's on. Anyway, enough about that. Here's the best video we got, but it's cute because after her dance it shows kalia being kalia and straightening out her scarf and laying it out like a blanket on her legs. It's just so kalia.

So Maya is sick again. But she is still just go, go, go. I was carrying her the other day and we went the fridge and she saw her cup and said, "mil"(milk) and then she saw "chee" (cheese) and "apple". She's also signing "more" and saying it at the same time- so of course I can't deny her when she does that. It's usually just for more water in her watering can or something like that. Maya has also been a little too friendly - she just goes with anyone. I lost her at Barnes and Noble twice the other day. First she goes off with a tourist family - the little girl just said "hi" to Maya and Maya decided to follow them. Then I was feeling a little mandarin and I turned around and she was gone - found her on the other side of the kids section with some other kids. Talk about totally different, Kalia still won't leave the area I'm in.

Kalia has learned to skip. It's actually something we've been working on and she's gotten the rhythm of it - too cute.

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