Sunday, December 27, 2009

christmas day 2009

maya on finds her push & ride toy
kalia opening stocking gifts
maya got a hat & family photo album from santa!
maya wasn't feeling very well, but still managed to play
kalia on her new bike from santa, maya on kalia's new bike from santa
christmas morning rainbow
kalia 1st time on bike with rainbow
there she goes!
opening her scooter from papa
riding her scooter
morning action
opening books in skirt that tutu & grandpa got her and she wore all day
ooh, gonna eat you up maya!
maya in the street as usual
maya chasing her sister
mommy & maya
day after christmas, playing outside

Christmas morning was really fun. Maya woke up early and we played with her on the bed for a while- she wasn't feeling great, but got some nice cuddles in. Woke Kalia up and she went straight out to see if santa had eaten her cookies and declared that "there are cookie crumbs!". The reindeer outside had left quite a mess and their hoove marks had torn up the grass and there were cheerios everywhere - they are not neat eaters!

At first we thought this Christmas was going to be a repeat of last year and take two days to open presents, since Kalia was going very slowly at first. At one point she even got an old set of pop beads out of her room and started playing with them instead of her new things. She's totally weird, but by the end of the afternoon, she was even opening maya's unopened ones. Kalia was excited for her big girl bike and she was also excited for maya's push & ride toy - which she went to first! Maya has been taking about 10 steps pushing the push & ride toy and yesterday took 3 steps at our neighbors house!

As promised, Santa brought Kalia her nail polish in rainbow colors! Santa also placed candy canes all over the christmas tree to Kalia and Maya's delight. Maya has been pulling them off and Kalia has been disappearing to her room when we tell her that she can't have another one...with the candy cane.

The best gift I got for Christmas was that Erik watched the girls in the afternoon and I got to surf! I have to admit, I was tired and when Erik mentioned that earlier he had worn his wet suit shirt, I wasn't feeling too motivated. But what fun! So thanks Erik!

Kalia spent the rest of Christmas day switching outside between her bike and scooter. She said about her scooter, "I could do this every year!" and "It's easy". Since she's really not the athletic type, we are so proud of her just getting on both and going for it. Maya is ready to ride both the scooter and the bike and is obsessing over both. Kalia would gladly take a turn on Maya's push & ride.

christmas eve

maya was sick and was very cuddly,
she never sits still like this!
princess maya
santa hat
maui hendricksons on christmas eve
a little horseshoes
the girls with uncle greg
uncle greg, alana, kalia
tanner helping kalia with her sprinkles
decorating cookies for santa
alana shows us how it's done
serious cookie decorating

Christmas eve was fun - erik surfed, I finished some last minute shopping and we got ready to have uncle greg, alana & tanner over. We had a nice afternoon snacking, playing horseshoes and playing with the kids. We had "fatties", a specialty of erik's family for dinner and then afterwards exchanged some gifts and decorated cookies for santa. Everyone really got into the cookie decorating - I did hear some a person or two ask kalia, "who's snowman is better?" "what about this christmas tree - isn't this one the best?".

After everyone left, kalia picked out the 3 cookies she wanted to leave for santa, the glass of milk and which cup she wanted to give him. Then she wanted 4 bowls of cheerios for the reindeer- they get very hungry! But they needed to share. The girls were asleep early, wish I could say the same for erik and I, we had work to do!

pre- christmas festivities

friends zach & joel came over for card making and wagon riding
everyone eats blueberry muffins!
erik's leilani's manager boat party
great whale show with baby breeching 2 dozen times!
getting comfy on the boat
kalia signature look
maya signature look
kids at story time

Just catching up on some photos - girls have been sick!

Friday, December 18, 2009

maya vacuum video

One morning maya was playing with kalia's vacuum - I guess she was watching her sister do it!

holiday fun

maya at honolua bay during "swell of the century" - it was all set up for the Billabong Pro
maya had so much fun getting dirty and making friends with everyone around her.
kalia has been loving playing with all the christmas decorations,
here she is playing with a toy soldier mom made years ago.
putting the starfish on top of the tree,
kalia kept saying that we need a star for the top and we kept
saying we needed to get one, we didn't have one - then we found this one with
the ornaments. of course, we haven't heard the end of it "i was right and you guys
were wrong - we did have a star".
kalia & the tree
kids during PACT gift wrap party at scarlett's house
maya making her escape
the babies
keiki christmas party - story time

our christmas photo

So kalia is officially daddy's girl. Today we had a total meltdown out of the blue, "i want daddy" - and I was told, "you can go to work and daddy can stay with us." I am also "not a nice mommy". What the heck? And Maya will go up to anyone and let them pick her up. I never thought I would miss my little opihi baby - but what the heck? What about mommy?

I have been going down to work the last couple nights and maya goes down fine with daddy and kalia is thrilled. I am happy that Maya will go down with her routine so easily, but doesn't anyone miss me? We went to Leilani's today to see daddy, since kalia was missing him so horribly and to give her incentive to go peacefully to the post office to mail gifts. When I told erik about the crying for daddy and the mommy go to work comment, he couldn't help himself - he was totally smiling!

So for anyone who doesn't know, my sister, Lauren is having a baby! Due first week of May and it's a boy!!!! Our first boy. She's claiming that she's broken the curse-- my parents had two girls and now we have two girls. A boy! I am so excited!!!!

Maya is definitely a handful - she is non-stop, but she is just so good natured. She is quite the "fireball" as my friend told me the other day. Today for the first time, when she was going to eat a handful of dried grass and I said, "no, not for your mouth", she actually didn't put it in her mouth!!!! This is huge, she usually compulsively puts everything disgusting and gross in her mouth. She's also been flushing the toilet. Maya also climbs up the slide at the park now.

Let's see, kalia has been really cute about the santa. She told me the other day that "Santa has a naughty list and candy canes." What about the nice list? I guess maybe I only mentioned the one list... She's also been saying things like, "It's a long time to wait until Christmas."

Last week we had a very busy week - gift wrap party for donations to PACT/story time, mom's night out, cookie decoration, double birthday party and keiki christmas party and then we had friends over to make cards. This week, erik and I have been doing total trade off with the kids and work. So yesterday, while Kalia was in school I took maya for marathon shopping - since we are so behind! Maya rocked it! So we just cruised pretty much today- besides the post office & lunch at lei's. Kalia wore her "birthday girl" tiara all day today and everyone asked her if it was her birthday, she was confused, "no, i'm just a princess".

the end for now.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

thanksgiving & christmas festivities

family at hula grill

countdown to christmas - thanks auntie kim - kalia loves it and
is alternating colors, she cannot have the same color in a row.
outside with neighbor emi and her cousin kendall
maya at ritz tree lighting
family shot - someone is always looking away
watching santa and elves jump out of a helicopter and paraglide down
kalia and her school buddies + daddies
kalia sat on santa's lap!!!!!!!!!!
fam with santa
maya has officially outgrown her baby bath and so we took a
photo of the girls in it before we give it away.
picking out the tree from the rotary club

the girls with the tree
annual daddy tying the tree on the car photo
kalia holding down the tree, so daddy can saw
i get to unwrap the tree
(notice that we moved the board rack over and the tv,
also i cut my hair - 13 inches for locks of love)

I've been really behind on the blog. I've been using my night spare time to do my Duke's Beach House marketing stuff. I haven't been able to sew either and so today I made it so kalia didn't have a nap and both girls are down early, so we can have some down time. Kalia still needs her nap, but then she goes to bed late and then we have to go to bed almost right after.

Anyway, just a quick note on thanksgiving. We had a great thanksgiving, thanks to mom and dad who once again cooked an amazing meal. Erik & got to surf together in the morning and we had erik's mom's albondigas for brunch. Mom & Dad slaved in the kitchen, while we were playing outside with our neighbor's kids, their cousins, cousin sophie and friend adrienne's boys zach & joel. I felt a little like a referee at times, but everyone had a great time.

We had such a great visit with mom and dad. They watched the girls and/or just maya a bunch of times and I think they got a lot of one on one time. I had fun doing a little sewing with mom, she helped me figure out these wristlets i want to make for some christmas presents and some other little projects for gifts.

Kalia likes this song from one of our Elizabeth Mitchell CD, it's "Peace like a river" and she sings, "I have peas (peace) like a river". She really does think it's peas and will correct you if you accidentally sing "peace".

So we went to the Ritz Tree Lighting on friday night and we had a great time. Kalia saw a lot of kids from school and she actually for the first time in her life...sat on Santa's lap!!!!! I might still not believe it if I didn't have the photo to prove it. We were so proud and she can't stop talking about him. I asked her if she wanted to write a letter to Santa and she said that she wanted to tell him that she loves him and then later said that she wants nail polish - rainbow colors, but only because we told her that usually you could tell him what you want if you've been a good girl.

So we are a little concerned with maya and our tree and are not entirely sure if we shouldn't put it up on a table. As soon as the lights and ornaments go up we might be in big trouble. I can't wait to decorate and neither can kalia she's been asking about it all day!

One of us has been taking kalia on a nightly walk to see people's christmas lights, there is a house up the street that has santa's sled and 9 reindeer, a star and tree with lights. Christmas is definitely going to fun this year, maya's first year and kalia really knows what's going on. She already asked several times today if tomorrow is christmas.

OK, some chill time...