Friday, April 2, 2010

family morning at the bay & other things

Cousin Alana was in town with her friend from college and we went up and watched them surf the bay. Maya wanted to charge down the hill, so everyone went down.

Kalia with Auntie Adrienne at t-ball. On Wednesday we watched Baby Joel and they brought the t-ball set. Erik was excited to hit some balls with Kalia - it was really cute.
Stoked I caught this little moment at t-ball.
Maya loves to lay and roll on top of you.
Kalia's drawing from tuesday night - we were really proud of it!
She's been really creating some great pictures lately. We have a little collection of favorites on our wall. I just got her a Smithsonian ABC book from library with different drawings/paintings for each letter - for some inspiration for both of us. I'm really excited to start doing a little art study.

Cousin Alana and her friend from college were home on spring break and we got to see them a couple of times. Sunday we went up to the bay to watch them surf. Maya gave out rocks to everyone and tried to charge down the hill, the girls "took turns", fairly unwillingly, driving the car.

Tuesday my friend Adrienne watched Maya while Kalia was in school so I could work. Maya had fun hanging out with Zach and Baby Joel. Then on Wednesday Baby Joel came to play with us - Maya loves her friend!

My friend Veronica has been in town with her family and so we've been going to play at the Hyatt pool. The girls have been having so much fun!

1 comment:

kim said...

I am also so glad you caught that moment! That picture is sooooo cute!!! I love it that Kalia is wearing a dress to t-ball! Sounds like everyone is having fun! I dreamt about you and the girls last night and even in my dream I could feel how much I missed everyone! You, by the way, were skydiving with no shoes on and i was really worried about your landing in rocks and that it might hurt your feet!!???!! Love seeing all the great pictures!