Monday, March 28, 2011


We walked to the park this morning. Erik worked late and then picked us up after he woke up. The girls had fun- especially after Zach & Joel showed up. Maya is really starting to lengthen and look more like a kid:(
We just had her very late dr. appt. and she was 27 lbs. 8 oz (50th percentile) and 35 inches (65th percentile). She was a model patient and spent the rest of the day telling me how she got an "owie" on her leg and Kalia got an "owie" on her arm (TB test).

At the park, sitting by a tree

Playing outside with Aki - driving on their roads

I needed a new bag- so I made this one.
Pretty excited about it.

So for those of you who don't know- we are patiently waiting for Kalia to apologize to one of our neighbors. Although normally a very good girl, she did something a little rude the other day and we have taken away treats (anything sweet) and her favorite show until she apologizes. It's been 7 days and counting. The first two days we pressured and even went as far as to take her twice to apologize and she only cried, now we are waiting. Last night as Maya ate a little something sweet (for eating all her broccoli) after dinner, Kalia looked at her book on the couch. She told me, "You always tell me that I eat too many treats- so I don't think I will eat treats anymore." It's really killing me- I want to give her treats, she's been amazing. She got a TB test and no treats, she eats her veggies like a champ and she's such a good big sister. When will she apologize?

BTW- some of you may know that I have always used white noise for Maya since she was a little baby. She had a 2 1/2 year old sister who didn't know how to be quiet during naps and early bedtimes. Then we all were addicted to it(or I was)- it was part of her routine and you know she is uber-routined. I did sometimes imagine her going to college with her little white noise machine... But after we returned from California, the first night she said she didn't want it. She hasn't asked for it since. What a big girl.

erik's phone photos

So after about 6 months of Erik not able to see who is calling on the small screen on the front of his phone, I finally called and they sent him a replacement. I sent myself all of these photos he took on his phone- here's the Erik Phone Photo collection since August.
You can definitely tell they were taken on his phone, but if I didn't post them- they may have been lost forever.

Friday, March 25, 2011


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today it was windy and we flew a kite outside

Thursday, March 24, 2011

last of CA photos

Dad's friend Larry gave him a photo shoot for his birthday- here we are trying to get a good shot.

Our last night we headed into Claremont for dinner and then 21 choices- the girls were super excited for their yummy treat. I was pretty excited as well.

Saturday I traveled back to Maui with the girlies- it had it's moments. The first two hours went well. Fortunately Kalia did not have to use the bathroom as soon as Maya fell asleep as was my worst fear. However, already overtired Maya did throw two full on tantrums, which is not like her- but she was exhausted and mommy does not understand english sometimes or at least that's what I'm sure Maya was thinking. I really couldn't understand what she wanted and she let everyone, including the pilot (I'm positive) know. Then I didn't bring a stroller and didn't consider getting two young children and all of our carry on from terminal to terminal. I didn't trust myself to get them through a line to get food- so we snacked, watched planes and searched for rainbow colored luggage and colored pictures from the floor in a corner by our gate. When our inter-island flight was delayed it took all my strength not to cry- but we made it! I can check that box- I've done it.
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cole - our visit to cole land

cole james
He was really excited to have us come to his house, it was really, really cute. Love that little guy. He was getting into everything, you literally turn your back and he was over by the water cooler or taking pots and pans out of the cabinets. One morning I woke up to a commotion in the kitchen, Cole had discovered some jars of cooking oil and after spilling it, decided to rub it around with his hands on the floor.

Maya hijacking Cole's toys.

Picnic at Del Mar Beach Park

Kalia wearing her boots on the beach.
It started really warm at the park, but as soon as the clouds rolled in, it was really cool.

Kalia having fun- running.
Maya wasn't sure about the whole cold beach thing and wearing shoes.
She wanted a ride to check it out- so I'm carrying her and no photos.

Sliding at the park

Cole & Auntie Lo

Cole & Maya
Checking the surf
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Knott's (CA Visit)

Airplane Ride
This was their first ride and Maya just went along.
They switched ride operators half way, so they got two rides,
later when they rode it again, Kalia was bummed they only got to go 1 time.

Train Ride

They are having a good time!

Taylor & Kalia

Driving the trucks with the honking horns

Auntie Kim, Uncle Tim
Allie, Papa

The girls

Everyone on the balloon ride.

Kalia on the ride all by herself,
last ride of the day. Maya was too short to ride.

We had a really fun day at Knott's Berry Farm- the girls had so much fun, no lines and Erik & I got to go on some fun rides as well. Maya had a great time and just went along with whatever ride Kalia was on. It was really fun to watch them!
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it's been a while...

some more from our CA trip
hanging with Grandpa & Tutu

Tutu & Maya
View of the snow covered mountains by my parent's house.

Sorry it's been a while- we've been occupied. Kalia will begin Kindergarten in August and we are still currently undecided as to where she will go. Can you believe my little girl is going to Kindergarten? Since it's been on my mind constantly and still on my mind tonight while I was cuddling with Kalia before bed, I said to her "you are just growing up so fast". And she said to me "That's because I want to be just like you." Yes, there were tears.

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