Monday, March 12, 2012

March Madness

Tutu & Grandpa
Last morning- hanging in our pajamas

Kalia's 1st Sacred Hearts Bazaar
1st stop - shave ice

Cruising with the Butler Boys

Riding the spinning ride with Daddy

Going down the big slide with Kylee.
This was a challenging night with Maya-
she didn't want to be left behind, but couldn't keep
up with the big girls.

Waiting in line for the spinning ride.

Again, it's been a while. I ended up with bronchitis and still a lot of coughing around this house. Now Erik and Maya are coughing. We had a super fun visit with my parents- they helped me do a bunch of stuff around the house. Our broken screen door handle- is now fixed. What, it's only been since August, but now it is fully functional. I got a new bedskirt and curtains and there are talks of painting our room in July. Yeah! Thanks Mom & Dad!

We also survived our 1st Sacred Hearts Bazaar. Erik worked both nights the entire time, but we did break him out for a quick ride on the spinning ride. Kalia liked being able to go "behind the scenes" in the Leilani's booth and it was nice that there was a meeting place since Kalia ran around with Kylee for a little bit. My baby is growing up. Of course, even with that little bit of freedom, it's not enough. Kylee got to stay late and she got the wristband to go on unlimited rides... Oh the injustice of it all! Meanwhile, Maya was distraught because Kalia was running off with Kylee and she didn't want to be left behind. Each day we got there right when it opened at 4pm and left by 7pm (when the crowds came and I swear I will do this every year).

Quick Maya story: The other day I was sweeping up the bathroom and Maya was watching me and she said, "Mommy, are you cleaning the floor?" and I said, "Yes, I am." and she looked at me so seriously and nodded her head and said slowly, "Good, good job". It was pretty cute, my little supervisor.
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