Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's been a while...

I apologize- it's been a very long time! It's been pretty busy and I haven't been taking very many photos. This past week, Tutu and Grandpa have been visiting. We completely re-arranged the living room, something I have been wanting to do and eating our way through all of west Maui. It's been a good week! I will take a photo of our new living room, when it's not quite the disaster that it is right now. Above are the Valentine's that we made for school and Auntie Carol's. I figured this was the year to do it- not sure how Kalia would feel next year about giving out a photo of herself. I'm being completely serious- Kindergarten has definitely put us into the next phase of Kalia and to be honest, it's a little scary. She has strong opinions, I am not always right, in fact lately I'm wrong quite often and she's only 5...

Cuddles with Tutu

Kalia was Hoku of the week two weeks ago and as part of her Hoku (star) responsibilities, was to pick her favorite animal and make a habitat diorama. This is Kalia at Mala collecting shells, sand and rocks in the water in her uniform. Luckily I had extra clothes. Her favorite animal is a dolphin and it was quite the project! I forgot to take a photo of the finished product, so when it comes home I will- I know, it's really not like me. I'm just not myself lately.

On a Saturday recently, it was very windy, but we needed to get out of the house. We were all feeling cooped up and needed to get out into the elements. We went up to the labyrinth and it was very windy, we got rained on, waves splashed on us, Kalia found us shelter and it was overall pretty fantastic. The girls checking out the "offerings" left by others in the center of the labyrinth. Happy to say that each of us walked the entire thing.

It's windy!

Starting to rain- find the shelter!

Maya right next to the entrance to the "bedroom" in the shelter.

Our shelter under this tree, it didn't completely keep the rain out- as Kalia pointed out, but did keep us much drier when the rain was heavy. Good spot for some graham crackers and a beer (for me and Erik of course).

Climbing in the elements

President's Day
We met Scarlett at Whaler's Village and took the Kaanapali Trolley around.
Watching the penguins at the Hyatt and then to lunch. Fun day!
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