Friday, July 16, 2010's been a while

Blankies tied around as dresses
and another blanket on their head.
Dancing in the living room.

Puzzle when the internet was down.

Sorry it's been a while...

Our internet was down from last Friday (a week ago) until Wednesday. Wow, did I feel lost. But it also meant I couldn't do any work from home, check email or lose countless minutes/hours to looking up things online. I actually did a puzzle that Kim had given me when we were in California and Kalia helped. In fact all three of us girls have been doing puzzles this week.

I've also been doing some spring cleaning and re-organizing. I just need to purge our lives of the clutter - Erik is a little alarmed, but if he doesn't notice it's gone...then does it really matter?

Kalia had a cough for 3 weeks and it was just getting worse. She would only cough at night or if she was running around. I took her in this week and the doctor thought she might have allergies and after a few days of Benadryl, I think so too. It's made a world of different. After a few mornings of sneezing and stuffiness, I took a Clariton and felt great - so something is definitely in the air right now.

Kalia & Maya are definitely getting to a stage where they can really play together. I feel like I can leave them to play for a while, usually one of them (50/50 on who it will be) will end up crying, but they are definitely playing together. Maya can be quite the brute, I came into the room the other day and she was pulling a huge handful Kalia's hair because they were fighting over a toy. Yes, my almost 18 mo. old can make a 4 year old cry. They had a tea picnic yesterday afternoon- it was really cute!

Instead of crying for me when she wakes up now, Maya calls for me, but in the most disturbing way. She says, "Ma-Mee" strong emphasis on the "Ma" and sounding like a very annoyed 4 year old. The first morning she did it, I went to Kalia's room and then after walking in to find her sleeping, realized that my little baby Maya was calling to me in this really mad voice. Yes, it's a little alarming. Although, she's pretty darn cute most of the time. When you give her something, like milk or a book she has asked for she says, "thanks". And the other day she said, "thank you, welcome" when I gave her something. She's also been telling me when she has a poopy diaper and sometimes wet diaper. She is obsessed with giving Kalia her blanket, milk cup or water cup. If she sees one of these things and it's not in Kalia's hand, then she will not stop until Kalia takes it from her - she's quite persistent.

Kalia had a playdate with Scarlett on Monday and she took over her princess plates that Auntie Kim bought her for her next playdate. We've been having a pretty mellow week, library, story time, lots of drawing. I need to take some photos of Kalia's latest drawings - she's getting really creative-rainbow wind. We've been cooking and a little baking. Trying not to use the oven, it's so hot right now. Used our basil from garden for pasta the other night. Tried to revisit the Deceptively Delicious book where you hide pureed veggies in food - well, Maya is not fooled and Kalia not a huge fan either, I think that's why I gave up the first time.

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