Tuesday, July 20, 2010

art work & beach days

Kalia drew this picture of
the four of us at the beach,
there's a blanket and there's waves!

Kalia's flower with rainbow wind

Maya at Kanoa's birthday celebration.

Kalia cruising by the boards.

Monday after Erik got off work we headed
to Maya with Uncle Greg & Erik's friend Mark

Girls hanging on the boards

Uncle Greg takes them for a sunset ride

While I washed the dishes this morning,
Kaia was drawing her favorite Princess doll,
I was totally impressed!

So we've had a great past few days. We're back in the water, had to stay out of the water for 10 days and it was really starting to get to me. Kalia is on summer break, it has really been warm and there has been surf...yes, feeling a little crazy not being in the water. Sunday, Erik surfed Mala in the morning, I had my mommy's brunch at Duke's and then to Launiupoko for Kanoa's 3rd birthday. I surfed for the first time since we've been back from California- I needed some serious surf therapy. Talk about instant attitude adjustment! Then on Monday after Erik got home from work we headed to Mala for the late afternoon/evening. Uncle Greg watched the girls on the beach and Erik & I got to surf together. It was sooooo fun, can't even tell you! Then we played on the beach, the girls got to ride the surfboard around and we bbq'd hot dogs and ate the dinner we brought down. Erik's friend Mark came down and we all had a great time.

So each night while one of us is putting Maya to bed, the other person starts a hide and seek game with Kalia. The only thing is that since Maya is going to sleep - it's only played in our bedroom and bathroom. If you've ever seen our small bedroom/bathroom, you understand how creative you must be. Kalia is really into this hide and seek game. It's hard to stop! She has been hiding in the bathroom closet and shutting the door. One day she climbed into the Kelty backpack carrier (that is currently sitting in our room, ready to be sold on Craigslist) and put her head down - since we obviously can't see her with her head down. We have hid on the side of the bed, under a blanket, I hid last night in Erik's closet with a pair of his pants on to hide my legs. Anyway, it's become a fun tradition.

Maya knows almost all her body parts, we name it and she points- head, ears, eyes, nose, tummy, belly button, arms, fingers, legs, toes, feet & teeth. She is also very good with animals. She's can name most animals in "Brown Bear, Brown Bear". When she sees a surfboard she says "surfing". She loves to hand out things - last night she was handing out chips and cold beers from the cooler.

1 comment:

Mariah said...

Very, very impressive!!! Ryenne's drawings are still just scribbles.

The girls are so adorable!