Friday, May 22, 2009

some info

Sorry, only had time to upload photos and then went to bed. So a couple of things, Kalia had a really bad day the other day. First we went to Olowalu and while I was out surfing, Kalia was running and tripped on a rock and fell and hit her head on a rock. She was fine, but a little beat up. Later that night, she climbed on the couch and tried to turn on the lightswitch, missed and fell, hitting her face on the coffee table! It was gnarly! I was really proud of myself for not totally freaking out, when she turned to me and her mouth was gushing blood. It's a pretty substantial cut in her mouth, but I was able to stop the bleeding and she was fine. When i was giving her a bath that night, she really looked like someone beat the crap out of her. I'm just not used to it because I have a little girly girl, who usually doesn't get all bloody.

Maya has found her hands and has been reaching for things. She's still working on it. Kalia set up this coloring fabric ball on her play yard and Maya has been grabbing it. Maya is also roll queen, but hasn't figured out how to go from tummy to back. So she wakes up at night, rolls over trying to root for her fingers and then wakes up crying because she's stuck. If you leave her on her back during the day, you'll come back and she's on her tummy and moving her legs like she's trying to go somewhere. She also has decided that life is too fun to nap anywhere but home, or if I finally get her down then she only wants to sleep for maybe 15-20 minutes at the beach or other fun place. Maya also has decided that falling asleep in the car, not a good idea either. But she sure does love the fun toy Tutu and Grandpa bought for her carseat. She also loves, loves the mobile for her crib. I've been getting her in her crib for most naps and she will start by talking to her mobile for 10 minutes. Maya loves the baby bjorn and I have been able to do my grocery shopping with both ladies- so far both cooperating. Although I shouldn't have said that because now it's all going to go horribly wrong. By the way mom, I shouldn't have told you about maya's sleep...yes, that's gone horribly wrong too.

I don't know how long this will last, but the "don't eat your zucchini because it will make you too strong" or "don't eat your red peppers because you'll be so fast you'll be able to step on mommy's shadow" has been working on Kalia. The girl will eat all her veggies, just to be fast or strong. I'm thinking this one doesn't last long. She was showing me her big muscles tonight after eating all her raw red peppers.

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