Sunday, June 10, 2012

growing up

Maya got to do a trial day at The Pre-School at Kapalua.
They suggested that Kalia come as well.

They started out with some drawing

Maya checking out the kids and toys.
It was a great day.
By the time we picked them up,
Maya did not want to leave!
Kids were saying bye to her and she had fun.

at the park

Friday we needed a little adventure afternoon

We took the girls up north of Subs towards Hobbitland.
Kalia was a great rock climber as usual,
Maya did great.
We are definitely moving to our next stage of adventures
with the girls.

Our spot
Erik fishing


Kalia figuring out her way down,
she is so good at this!

Hmmm.... how do I get across?

Watching the honu
There were 4 big turtles, one in particular
was gigantic.  They kept coming up and
the girls would squeal and yell "there's another one!"

Turtle watching

Since Erik will be working on Kalia birthday on Tuesday,
he took her jet skiing and to the Marriott for some fun Kalia time.
She had a blast!!!
That afternoon we headed down for a pre-sunset surf,
it was fun, the girls had fun jumping from rock to rock.

It was just what I needed-
I wanted to mention, since I don't often
that I'm so glad that my husband makes me
step out of my comfort zone and live in the moment.
Just what I needed today.
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