Monday, January 24, 2011

catching up: sunset at mushrooms

kalia mo

maya k
running around daddy

kalia & papa

Tuesday & Wednesday were very exciting days at the Hendrickson home- our nephew Tanner surfed in the Sunset Open. Tuesday Erik's Dad, the girls & I watched his first two heats on TV and knew that he made it to the next day. Wednesday the girls went to school & Celena's and I went to work. I even called Erik at one point to check on when he was planning to pick up Maya and he never mentioned the contest. So when I walked into a house of buzzing excitement, I was shocked! Tanner had surfed his 3rd and 4th heats and was going to the semi final. He had surfed against Jamie O'Brien and then beat Pancho Sullivan - the boys at home (Erik, Greg & Papa) were bouncing off the walls. The carpet was worn where Greg had been pacing all day. The three of them had to sit in the exact same seats they had all day during the semi-final heat (although they are not superstitious, whatever will happen is what is meant to happen...) Anyway, you have no idea how proud, excited, seriously stoked everyone was here- 5th place at the Sunset Open- Wow, Tanner we are all so proud of you! Pipe contest tomorrow?!?

Anyway to follow up and get everyone outside, we all headed down for sunset at mushrooms and then an improptu dinner at Dollie's. In the words of everyone: What a great day!
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