Sunday, January 30, 2011

a little more beach...

my beach girl

i know, it's a lot of photos
but it really was an epic day
kona day, so it was sheet glass in spreckelsville


hi friends!

surfer girls
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beach day continued

kalia shelling

maya never stops moving!

erik loves this photo

the scene at the beach today
kalia is in the foreground collecting shells
erik is in the background on the reef about to paddle out
great day

today - spreckelsville baby beach

resting on my sister

maya wants a turn!

We had a busy & fun weekend. Saturday we went to a birthday party at Launiopoko that was super fun. Bouncy castle, games, shave ice, pinata & the beach! The girls had a blast and we were all so tired when we finally arrived home.

This morning we had plans to meet the Goring Ohana (Woozer, Jackie, Kanoa & Kapono) down at Spreckelsville baby beach early. What a great day- the girls had so much fun and great to spend some time with those guys! Erik got a little surf & fishing in and we got to have a fun adventure day.
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this week

duke's beach house
henry kapono 1.28.11
hanging with the kids

at this point, it was getting too dark.
i am going to start bringing glow in the dark necklaces,
just to keep track of them!

launiopoko beach park
lola's birthday party
waiting for the pinata

ok, had to get this shot of all the little beach kids
my kids are such little island groms!

post pinata candy sharing
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


maya opening gifts at home after party

dipped animal cookie favors
also gave out pinwheels to the little ones
and flower pots & seeds to big friends

trying out maya's new bike with papa

sunday at sophia's birthday party

We actually had an invite to another b-day party on sunday, but after maya's party and sophia's the next day- I was done. On Sunday after Erik went to work, Uncle Greg came over and he and papa watched the girls, while I had some good me time. Thanks Uncle Greg & Papa- needed that!
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all partied out...

the scene

maya is done
it was way past her naptime and this scheduled little one was done!

carrying my sleeping 2 year old

sleeping baby girl
thanks celia again for this one- love it!


grab your own mini cupcake
there was a 3 cupcake minimum for attending the party

maya, sydney, kalia

later sydney & kalia went through a long tunnel that ran underground next to the party site. Erik ran by saying, kalia is underneath us right now... nearly had a small heart attack

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more of maya's b-day...

maya's birthday cupcakes

getting ready to sing- happy birthday

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you
happy birthday my sweet maya, happy birthday to you!

kalia helps maya blow the candles out!
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maya's birthday celebration

scarlett & kalia

me & the birthday girl
(thanks Celia for taking these photos- you're the best!)

look an actually photo of me & erik:)
(thanks again Celia)

maya & her friend kyli

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maya is two!!!

celena & maya
maya ran to welcome celena to her party

jumping like a big girl in the bouncy

having a blast in the bouncy

So my baby turned two on Saturday, January 22nd. We celebrated at airport beach and everything seemed to go very smoothly that day. Erik arrived at the airport beach spot after 7am and was able to secure the location, there was no wind that morning and the whales were putting on a show, russell showed with the bouncy- it was pretty great day. The kids munched on snacks, bounced & everyone seemed to have a great time. Maya was independently going in and out of the bouncy castle all day and all the big kids were helping her out. She knew everyone and was having a blast. Kalia had a great day, she played with Scarlett and is still enjoying all her sister's presents:)
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Monday, January 24, 2011

dinner at lei's

friday, dinner at leilani's
waiting for a table with the silly girls

maya face

kalia face
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