Thursday, April 22, 2010

re-purpose project & dancing queens

So our beach umbrella died and I decided to do a little re-purpose project & took it apart and made some bags. I am using one for wet swimsuit transporter (and other sandy items) from the beach and the other as a trash bag in the car. Taking Lo's advice and going to use the rest of material for grocery bag- lots of material, it was a big costco size umbrella.

The other day, instead of heading out like we usually do in between Maya's naps, Kalia wanted to stay at home. We made muffins and I put on a variety of songs for the girls to have a little dance show. This one is one of Kalia's old favorites - it used to make her come running!

It was just really cute & fun to watch.

1 comment:

Mariah said...

They are just so dang cute!!!! Love the umbrella bags. Good project!!