snow white at leilani's
ben & kalia
Thursday after Erik got home we went to the Harvest Festival in Kapalua for a little bit, which was fun, overwhelming and wet. It was raining pretty hard as we left.
Friday was Halloween and although we were a little sleep deprived, we had a full Halloween day. Kalia and I went to the Halloween Costume Party at the gym. Her favorite part was definitely painting the pumpkin. We played bingo with candy corn (she even had a few), ate cookies and hot dogs and had fun with her friends. The funniest part for me was the pinata. They had this huge pinata that was an almost life sized elf and the boys were just beating it with a stick. Since all of the kids are pretty young, some were a little traumatized by the whole thing. Here we are beating this poor elf, what did he ever do to anyone? We've been trying to teach the kids not to hit and now we're beating the crap out of this elf. The grown ups had to finish him off at the neck and then when he fell to the ground he got another beating to get the candy out, some kids were crying. Kalia went for the candy and kept bringing back one at a time -- all Almond Joy--yuck. I think she just liked the blue wrapper. But now she knows how to pick out the packs of m&ms.
I was thinking about taking Kalia to the parade, but we sort of ran out of steam. We went to Leilani's so Erik could show off his little Snow White and came home to do some trick or treating. Kalia really liked it! We only went to a few houses, but she made out with a little bag full of candy and she was saying "that was fun", "look at my candy, i'm lucky!". She was really excited when we got home and she counted her loot. Overall, a great Halloween.
So the "hee hoo" fairy (although I would spell it "he who" since it is short for "he who must not be named", but Erik's spells it that way) came for Kalia's pacifiers on tues night/ wed morning. She has really accepted that they are gone, more than I even have. She has only asked/cried for them on wednesday and asked for her blankie today instead. Although she has accepted that they are gone, it still hasn't solved the fact that she is used to sleeping with them. It has been taking a long time for her to sleep--hours--but can only get better right? I might be missing them more than her right now. I think mommys and daddys should get left special presents too from the fairy, since we may need some comfort too. After tonight's night-night, I could use a beer.