Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bishop: Part 5

Kalia with her "uncle greg" glasses on!
On game night, Allie put together all of these glasses with tape holding them together, just like Greg's glasses from 2 years ago.  During his turn at Balderdash, we all put them on.  We all nearly went blind wearing them while we were waiting for him to realize what was going on.  It was a long time!

Everyone watching Greg- with their glasses.
He still doesn't notice them!

Alana & Uncle Erik

 Look there's a deer!

Alana giving rides down the river.

Kalia gets a ride too!

 Fishing on Lake Sabrina is serious business!

Kalia reeling in her first fish!
Immediately after Maya caught her first fish too (but my camera died), just in time too, since Papa promised her she would catch one soon!  I think Papa might be fish psychic.

This looks like a serious conversation.

Papa takes the girls horseback riding!
Meeting Amy & Margarita

Maya got up on the horse and immediately put her game face on, she was so serious!

Kalia is enjoying this!

We thought that we were going to sign them up for a short walk around, being led on foot by someone.  But it turned out they were signed up for a 30 minute trail ride- by themselves!  Of course, we had to follow along with them up and down the trail, we're not overprotective or anything.  But they were perfectly fine and happy and confident on their ride!
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