Wednesday, February 13, 2013

January 2013

New Year's Eve
This was actually 12am, Maui Time
Yes, the girls were up and banging pots to celebrate.
We had gone to a party, then came home and Erik
was on his way home- so we stayed up until midnight!

Kalia decided to make these cool hand print pictures,
by coloring her sister's hands with non-washable markers.
This is after we washed them.
Maya liked it.

Lunch with Charlotte Marie aka Scarlett Mary
This day it was Kaya (Maya), Malia (Kalia),
Dommy (Mommy) and Maddy (Daddy)

Ti leaves from Erik's plant,
about to make a skirt for Kalia's hula studio photo shoot.

And the finished product- not bad,
if I do say so myself, and I do:)
The model is pretty cute too!

I would apologize once again for neglecting the blog, but that just sounds redundant.
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