Wednesday, February 13, 2013

volcom pipe 2013

We are off to Oahu to watch Tanner surf in the Volcom Pipe Pro!
We had to drive a long way to Kapalua Airport, it might have been 4 minutes.
Walking out to the plane- this is so exciting!
Well, the girls certainly were- there were screams of
"we're flying!" "we're going through the clouds",
it was very entertaining!

Waiting for Acai Bowls

Kalia is so funny!
Do you see her missing tooth?
It came out the day we left for Oahu,
so we had to take it with us and her tooth pillow to Oahu
so she could put it under her pillow.
Kalia liked to lose her tooth on Oahu,
last year she did and the tooth fairy left her $5,
more than she normally gets.
And guess what- this year on Oahu she got $5 too!

Goat Island in the background
with my little girl.


Hey everyone else was doing it-
so I made them pose for this one in front of the banner...

They were saying something to Papa about their hair- I think.
Silly girls.
This is in the ally next to the Volcom house.

On the bike path.
I really hope they will always be good friends.

Our room

Girls playing in the backyard.

Tanner & Maya

Hanging out by the Oakley House
See the scaffolding behind the boys?
The girls played under that for hours this day,
we were at the beach from 9:30am- sunset
This was our little spot- all day.

We took a little hike down the beach
to Rocky Point.

The girls playing in the sand.

Attempting (and failing) to nap Maya at the beach.

Collected wood and now trying to start a fire.

Going for a dip- sort of.
The girls just got a little wet, Erik & Greg went for a swim.

Kalia getting her feet wet- check out these waves behind.
It was huge and scary.

Kalia & Maya
Finally in their swimsuits-checking out Uncle Greg's hole.

Maya told us that we needed to leave when it's light, not dark!
We didn't listen to her!
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a real birthday & a little hula

The girlies (with Nelly) finding shade at Taeja (Kalia's classmates) birthday.
They may also have been feeding chips to the birds...

Kalia's Hula Class

Maya turns 4!
Happy Birthday!!

"We" (I did that for Erik's dad) decorated Kalia's door for
her birthday and Maya liked it- so I think we have a new tradition.
In fact, it's still up, but now the streamers are connected to the bathroom
door and you sort of have to limbo to the bathroom.
No, we don't indulge our children, that really needs to come down soon-ish.

On Maya's actual birthday, she had Ilana come over for a playdate.
I was bored on Maya's birthday.  Ilana came over and then they
went to her room and played and laughed and played.
They did not need me.  I helped them once with a sticker book
and I cut up some apples for them.  I was bored.

Lunch date at Duke's!

Hula Pie!
These two are such cuties, seriously cute little BFFs.
Ilana was on vacation last week, and Maya survived.
I was a little scared, but she survived the week and even
played a little with some friends.  But nothing like having
your buddy back at school.

The Hale

Kalia has taken to packing these bags with shoulder straps,
filling them with things she and Maya needs.
She such a little Mommy- so funny!


Sunset at the Bay

Hanging out at the Bay with Papa & Uncle Greg

While that was going on,
the girls were having a beauty shop in the car.

Rope swing at mushrooms:)

Kalia's Hula Show at KBH

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Papa's visit & a birthday

Papa's 1st night on Maui,
having dinner & drinks at Leilani's

Maya's 4th birthday Party!

The rainbow snacks (it was a rainbow party).

Rocco, Raffi, Maya & Kalia

I was running around so much, I hardly took any photos!
Bad Mommy!


We let Maya pick any pinata that she wanted,
there were two different types of princess castles,
a cupcake pinata, she wanted the donkey.
But then she didn't want to break it open.

It ended quite quickly.

Maya & Scarlett

Ilana & Maya

Maya was literally waiting around until Ilana showed up
and then ran out to meet her.
It's really her first real friend and the love is completely mutual:)

Eating hot dogs

Rainbow cupcakes
(photo courtesy of Jackie)

This is the only photo of this monster jumpy/slide thing.
Fun day!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
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January 2013

New Year's Eve
This was actually 12am, Maui Time
Yes, the girls were up and banging pots to celebrate.
We had gone to a party, then came home and Erik
was on his way home- so we stayed up until midnight!

Kalia decided to make these cool hand print pictures,
by coloring her sister's hands with non-washable markers.
This is after we washed them.
Maya liked it.

Lunch with Charlotte Marie aka Scarlett Mary
This day it was Kaya (Maya), Malia (Kalia),
Dommy (Mommy) and Maddy (Daddy)

Ti leaves from Erik's plant,
about to make a skirt for Kalia's hula studio photo shoot.

And the finished product- not bad,
if I do say so myself, and I do:)
The model is pretty cute too!

I would apologize once again for neglecting the blog, but that just sounds redundant.
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