Friday, December 28, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

 Kalia ready for her Hula Show:)

Getting our Christmas Tree!
The girls were given candy canes- that was the best part!

Decorating and wearing reindeer ears-
Kalia hung an ornament from hers.

Maya puts the star (starfish) on the top of the tree-
Kalia told her that she could, since Kalia will do it next year...

Breakfast with Santa
The girls were so excited to see Santa,
but as soon as he came over, they all got very shy.

 Scarlett, Santa, Maya & Kalia

Crafts in the Kindergarten room.

 Maya & Kalia

Kalia did a solo at Mass, we were so proud of her!
 Seriously, last year when she had to speak in the microphone
during drama in front of her class, she would cry.
This year, she sang a solo in front of the entire school!
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