Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

First thing Christmas Morning!

Second thing- check if the reindeer ate the food!

Maya's Santa gift (and a green ukulele with turtles on it)
"I thought it was going to have green turtles on it- but that's OK"

Kalia's Santa gift

Maya rocking out on Kalia's karaoke machine
to the song from Barbie Princess and the Pop Star.
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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at our place- dinner and then
cookie decorating contest!

Alana & Kalia take this very seriously

Maya says "more is more",
when I say that "less if more".

Kalia's bell (Erik's favorite cookie)

Kalia's Frosty

Cat's Hula Girl & Christmas Tree
Maya's Christmas Tree on top.

I think these are Maya's.

More finished entries.

Cat & Maya

Uncle Greg & Alana

Hendricksons on Maui

Group Photo!

The cookies selected for Santa
Sign by Kalia.
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December 2012- Holiday Fun!

Kalia's class party- the kids doing their book exchange
(see maya in the background, having her 4th cookie- no doubt)

 Oh those silly girls!

Kalia's Christmas Pageant

I missed the first song, since I was running around the building-
to get into position to let the kids off stage and back to the classroom.

December 21, 2012
Uncle Tim's Birthday!
Happy Birthday Uncle Tim
Cheers from the Maui Hendricksons!

Cookie Baking Marathon

Checking Windmills

My panorama
I thought this was pretty cool- taken when Tanner was surfing subs
on a big day.  But then I saw Tanner's panorama and it blew mine out of the water.
Thanks for humoring me Tanner and saying that mine was cool...

Watching Tanner surf (or dump rocks all over each other and
pet everyone's dogs).

Sunset time at the Bay

Look at our finished crafts from Aunty Kim!
Good job Alana, Kalia & Maya

Paper chains with help from Alana.
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

 Kalia ready for her Hula Show:)

Getting our Christmas Tree!
The girls were given candy canes- that was the best part!

Decorating and wearing reindeer ears-
Kalia hung an ornament from hers.

Maya puts the star (starfish) on the top of the tree-
Kalia told her that she could, since Kalia will do it next year...

Breakfast with Santa
The girls were so excited to see Santa,
but as soon as he came over, they all got very shy.

 Scarlett, Santa, Maya & Kalia

Crafts in the Kindergarten room.

 Maya & Kalia

Kalia did a solo at Mass, we were so proud of her!
 Seriously, last year when she had to speak in the microphone
during drama in front of her class, she would cry.
This year, she sang a solo in front of the entire school!
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Thursday, December 27, 2012

November - Leilani's Party at the Lahaina Animal Farm

Lahaina Animal Farm
Shetland Ponies


Daddy & Kalia

Hey this isn't baaaaaad...
Ok that was one of Erik's bad jokes.

Maya gets to ride a horsey!

Kalia's turn!

 The girl leading the horse was Kalia's 8th grade buddy at the end of last year.

Oreo & Miss Piggy

These piggies are a little scary, let's hold hands:)

Pet a chicken anyone?

Feeding the pony

Fishing with daddy

I love this sign.
I was not about to leave my children unattended!
 Shave Ice- this place is the best!

 Face (or arm) painting!

One more ride before sunset!
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