Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kindergarten News: Day2

"Wave good-bye to your moms"

aka: go bye bye moms, see you at 2pm

Here's the News of the Day from SHS Kindergarten Class:
  • Kalia made her first friend. Infact she didn't eat hardly any lunch today because "people were talking to me and I had to talk back..." More eating, less talking.
  • She got assigned her 8th grade buddy. The smallest girl in the class got paired with the tallest boy. His name is Cole and Kalia was scared (she cried) and told me that he was a "giant". I'm sure she will get used to him- he has the same name as her cousin, who will also probably be a "giant" when he is in 8th grade.
  • Homework is not fun. Each day (except for Fridays) they have reading and math homework. I'm hoping that once she is used to it and is not completely exhausted after school it won't be such a battle. I had to show her the returned homework today with the star- to prove that Mrs. Coon wants her to do this and I'm not just trying to torture her.
  • They had computer science today and it was fun.

Maya and I had a fun day. We went to the park, played trains, read books and cuddled a lot. I think she really had a fun day with all the attention.
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