Thursday, March 24, 2011

last of CA photos

Dad's friend Larry gave him a photo shoot for his birthday- here we are trying to get a good shot.

Our last night we headed into Claremont for dinner and then 21 choices- the girls were super excited for their yummy treat. I was pretty excited as well.

Saturday I traveled back to Maui with the girlies- it had it's moments. The first two hours went well. Fortunately Kalia did not have to use the bathroom as soon as Maya fell asleep as was my worst fear. However, already overtired Maya did throw two full on tantrums, which is not like her- but she was exhausted and mommy does not understand english sometimes or at least that's what I'm sure Maya was thinking. I really couldn't understand what she wanted and she let everyone, including the pilot (I'm positive) know. Then I didn't bring a stroller and didn't consider getting two young children and all of our carry on from terminal to terminal. I didn't trust myself to get them through a line to get food- so we snacked, watched planes and searched for rainbow colored luggage and colored pictures from the floor in a corner by our gate. When our inter-island flight was delayed it took all my strength not to cry- but we made it! I can check that box- I've done it.
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