Saturday, February 5, 2011

kalia's art work & maya needs feet tickles!

kalia made this drawing of me at school
i was really happy, especially because she is definitely all about daddy lately

here's one of us at the pool
she is swimming in the pool with her goggles on

this drawing was her tree drawing

kalia's drawing of our family + 2 friends

Kalia was sick the other day - oh I need to get a photo of the butterfly garland she made while she was sick. She also did a great stamp/drawing. Anyway, we've been pretty cruising this week- Tuesday we went to Baby Beach with Scarlett & Celia and that afternoon Kalia had a runny nose which turned fever/croupy cough...again! I really do not like croupy cough! Seriously. Wednesday, Erik stayed home with Kalia, while I went to work- they had a great day. Well, it's a great day when you get to spend the whole day with daddy by yourself- Kalia is very much a daddy's girl right now. I certainly cannot give arm & neck tickles like daddy does.

Speaking of tickles, Maya has a special tickle spot and it's in a funny place - her feet. And she will relentlessly ask you to give her tickles there and when I say relentlessly, I mean relentlessly. She especially likes Kalia to give her feet tickles and will sometimes go as far as yelling, "tickle my feet! tickle my feet!" over and over again. At times, I will hear Kalia say, "mommy, I'm tired of tickling Maya's feet" only to look over and see her at Maya's feet tickling them for who knows how long. Kalia is such a dedicated big sister, but definitely getting bullied into endless feet tickling! Today we put our foot down and told Kalia to come away, Erik even went as far as holding Kalia to him, so she wouldn't be tempted to give into her little sister's demands. Well, Maya "this is my world and your just living in it" Kikuye wouldn't have it. She literally went wherever Kalia was. At first Kalia moved over to my couch and Maya came over and stuck her feet in the air at her. She continued to stick her feet in the air and call over and over to Kalia to "tickle my feet!" Then Kalia ran over to Erik for protection and Maya ran over, sat on the ground in front of them, stuck her feet in the air and demanded feet tickles. When she wasn't getting her way, she got up and tried to pry Erik's arms open to free Kalia to tickle her feet! Anyway, I was laughing hysterically. As Erik said later, "she really likes her feet tickled".
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