Monday night Uncle Greg watched the girls and Erik and I had a date night. We had such a fun dinner at Hula Grill. I am still thinking/dreaming about the Ahi I ate.
Maya seemed a little congested that night and by tuesday was definitely sick. She has had a pretty bad head cold, contast runny nose and she really didn't start breathing through her nose until today. We've had 4 really hard nights and I don't see tonight being any better. It's really reminded me of when we first brought Maya home from the hospital, especially the first night Kalia was sick too. We were going between rooms all night. Luckily Erik had the last two days off, that helps especially for the nights and also naps, since the only naps longer than 20 minutes seem to be on your chest. I have literally been in the rocking chair as much as my bed the last few nights. Poor Maya just coughs and is so stuffed up. The other night as I was rocking her, I saw her thumb go up to go into her mouth and then she remembered in her sleep that she can't suck on it since her nose is so stuffed and put it down. Not that's bad, she loves to suck her thumb to sleep! Kalia has been sick too, but we thought she was almost faking it at first to skip school. But she will have these random high fevers. She will be acting like she's getting better and then all of a sudden she has a crazy fever. I even took her to the store yesterday and she felt warm there and had just shy of 103 when we got home.
One of the first days Maya was sick and I thought Kalia was heading there, I wanted to make them chicken noodle soup and went and bought all the ingredients and made it that afternoon, even though Maya wanted to be held through most of it. Anyway, it's funny because when it all comes down to it, they really just want to eat the noodles out of it (which could have come out of a can) or goldfish crackers and cheerios-whatever their little comfort foodies are. I've been making them their favorites; banana pancakes and banana muffins, just to get them to eat. We've also been going crazy on those little mandarin oranges, the girls and i ate a 2 pound bag yesterday. All of a sudden, they both wanted to eat them and lots of them, so i kept peeling.
Even though she's sick, Maya's still having a vocabulary boom. The other day we were playing in Kalia's room and Maya was roaming in the hall and she came to Kalia's door and hit the wall next to the door twice and said, "knock, knock" (the k sound wasn't really there, but you could totally tell what she was saying and did it a bunch of times). She also brought Erik a shoe the other day and said, "shoe". She's been pointing to Kalia's baby doll and saying "baby" and then pointing to the baby's eye and saying, "eye". She also likes to poke me and kalia in the eye over and over and say "eye" - it's starting to get a little old. She did say "lia, lia" after I tried for a little while to get her to say Kalia. She's been saying, "woah" and "oooooh" (you know, how you would say it if you were holding something that you wanted her to be excited to play with instead of whatever Kalia is holding, long u). She will also hand you something and say "here" and I swear the other day she handed me her empty bowl and said "all gone". Also "fish" and points to picture. The other day I was washing some dishes and she came in with a CD from the computer desk (install printer or something- she's finding all sorts of treasures there now) and she kept saying "here" and trying to hand it to me and wouldn't stop until I took it from her. Anyway, it's so weird and unexpected some times when she all of a sudden says something that you didn't just say or even said in the past few days.
Tonight Kalia asked me if Maya was feeling better because she was sick now and needed taking care of. Poor thing, we've been really asking her to be a big girl and Maya has been needing a lot of attention. Plus a sick 3 year old lies on the couch and wants to watch a movie and have a cuddle, a sick 1 year old wants to play but doesn't feel right and wants you to hold her and fix it, but they still want to go, go!
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