Sunday, December 27, 2009

christmas eve

maya was sick and was very cuddly,
she never sits still like this!
princess maya
santa hat
maui hendricksons on christmas eve
a little horseshoes
the girls with uncle greg
uncle greg, alana, kalia
tanner helping kalia with her sprinkles
decorating cookies for santa
alana shows us how it's done
serious cookie decorating

Christmas eve was fun - erik surfed, I finished some last minute shopping and we got ready to have uncle greg, alana & tanner over. We had a nice afternoon snacking, playing horseshoes and playing with the kids. We had "fatties", a specialty of erik's family for dinner and then afterwards exchanged some gifts and decorated cookies for santa. Everyone really got into the cookie decorating - I did hear some a person or two ask kalia, "who's snowman is better?" "what about this christmas tree - isn't this one the best?".

After everyone left, kalia picked out the 3 cookies she wanted to leave for santa, the glass of milk and which cup she wanted to give him. Then she wanted 4 bowls of cheerios for the reindeer- they get very hungry! But they needed to share. The girls were asleep early, wish I could say the same for erik and I, we had work to do!

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