Kalia is currently making cookies with tutu after watching elmo goes to school on her iphone. yes, she is in heaven. Maya is actually taking a good nap right now and wasn't up in the middle of the night except to eat...it was a good thing. We've been having quite a week with Maya and sleep, but hopefully will stay on top of it. Kalia used to be such a cap napper and she didn't seem very bothered by it, maya is.
Erik surfed on monday and got a cut on his foot. This morning Kalia was looking at it and was telling him that the cut was on his foot and "it's not on your piggy". The cut is right under his little toe (the one that went wee, wee, wee all the way home).
Maya is ready to roll over, we think it's going to be today. She'll get all the way on her side, two knees touching and then spring back. It's really because she's going after her fingers to put in her mouth. Often she prefers her fingers to the pacifier...what? I think Kalia is quite baffled by that too, she tries to get Maya to take the same brand she used to take...come on Maya this is the good one:) This morning at 5:30am I nursed Maya and put her back in the co-sleeper and instead of the pacifier, which is refused, she arched her back and grunted for her fingers for 5 minutes before falling asleep almost on her side with her back arched- finger in mouth. And when she's mad she will get even more mad if you try to put that pacifier in her mouth.
Monday, Tutu and Grandpa watched the girls and I got to surf! It was really fun and I could a couple of really good waves. Definitely the best waves I've gotten in the last year. Erik was watching from the beach and we gave each other the fist raised in the air - victory. OK, I don't get in the water much and i don't get to catch set waves that often, it was great!
We finally got out of the house yesterday, we've been locked inside trying to get Maya some sleep. We went to Napili park and after a while of playing I had to try to put maya down, so Grandpa went down the big slide with Kalia, 10 times!
Kalia has been so into coloring inside the lines, that when tutu drew a flower with chalk outside, kalia came by and colored it in.
This is a story for Lo (if she's reading this):
We have some magnets on the fridge of letters and numbers and they are different colors. Without even suggesting it to her, Kalia took the magnets and lined them up in groups of the same color one day. She definitely has that scary koga gene.
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