Friday, February 6, 2009

maya, maya, papaya...

Maya looks so different with her eyes open. She had a great alert state last night for a while and we got a couple of pictures. She looks so much older with her hair. Kalia definitely has Erik's hair and Maya has the Koga hair. We look forward to seeing her mohawk soon. She is already getting the stand up hair and will definitely have the signature Koga mohawk soon. Kalia still asks every day to hold her "baby sister maya". We have had our third day of outings. Our first outing with Maya was story time at the Coffee Store on Wednesday, we walked down in our sit and stand stroller. Kalia loves the new stroller, where she can stand or sit on the bench or hang by the handle like monkey bars. Thursday we ventured out for lunch at Leilani's - her two week birthday (we took Kalia to Leilani's on her two week birthday too). Today (friday) was our playgroup at the park and there was a great turn out and we had a lot of fun. Maya has slept through most of all of these trips, so it has been pretty easy. Today I put her in the sling and every time I put her in that thing, she is out!

Last night, Maya actually went back to sleep after she got up to nurse! The nights were getting progressively worse and worse, but we had one good night! She was up every 2 hours instead of every 1 to 1 1/2 hours and she wasn't up for multiple hours in the middle of the night. Plus, Erik had her in the living room until midnight, so I got a couple of hours right away. It's funny how two hours can feel so restful, when you've been only getting 30 minutes at a time! And Kalia didn't call for us over and over from bed like she has been and slept in a little too. I won't hold my breath for tonight, but it was a nice change! I felt a little less zombie like this morning.

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