We finally painted the baby's room! Well, Erik did most of it. But at least that is one thing off of our list. We now have 10 days and will soon be chipping away at more stuff. We had to take Saturday day off for erik's birthday and yesterday I was recovering and refused the leave the house. So today I took Kalia to the park for a couple of hours and she had her dance class tonight.
I've taken Kalia to the last couple of dr. appointments because erik either had to work or had to pick up our bookshelf we ordered. She's getting pretty used to the drs. office. This past visit the doctor came in and asked Kalia how she was and Kalia immediately told her, "mommy put her toothpaste on my toothbrush!" Which was true, but it happened about a week earlier and it really came out of nowhere. I did accidentally put my toothpaste on her toothbrush instead of her toddler toothpaste and she just stood there looking at me for a while, until I noticed what I did. But it was a pretty random thing to say a week later to my OB.
I've been doing a few things like that lately and Kalia likes to remind me over and over again. The other day I called her "goodnight moon" book "goodnight hawaiian moon" which we also have and she told me about 10 times a day for days "not goodnight hawaiian moon mommy, goodnight moon!"
We moved our computer out to the living room and when the cable guy came to split the cable for our road runner, kalia told him, "I was pretending to check my email." Which she was just before, I looked over and she was sitting at the keyboard. The cable guy smiled and then looked back and said, "how old is she?" Pretty soon I can stop doing this blog because Kalia will have her own blog.
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