Saturday, January 31, 2009

kalia & maya

I always thought that Kalia was so little, but next to Maya she is such a big girl! Look at the comparison pics! Kalia is so big! We are just amazed!

We took our first walk on Thursday, Kalia took her babies in her stroller. We just got back from another walk with Maya and Kalia's babies. Kalia copies everything that we do with Maya with her babies. Erik was rocking Maya last night and Kalia stood next to him with her baby and held and rocked her the same way.

But Kalia is a quick learner, whenever she wants us to play with her or take part in her "dance class" she is putting on, she says, "put baby sister Maya in her comfy cozy seat" (the swing).

Kalia and Tutu went the park yesterday (photo above Tutu took). They were gone for almost 2 hours and I was so excited, since I didn't sleep for more than an hour at a time the night before, Maya was up less than every 2 hours. But the minute they left for the park, Maya woke up...for 2 1/2 hours!!!! I guess that's the way the girls are going to be with me. Then at nap time, they both went down around the same time, but after I layed down for about 15 minutes, Maya needed to be fed, then she went back down and then the phone rang and then 10 minutes later Kalia was up again...

Auntie Lo comes tomorrow for a week! Good, another student for Kalia's dance class. She has different dances for the different songs on her piano keyboard demo mode.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

at home with the girls

maya and daddy time

kalia loves to hold her sister
maya in the swing...sleeping the day away
it's been cold...all bundled up

Maya turned 1 week today! She spends half her life in the swing right now. So far she is sleeping almost all day, being awake sometimes an hour here or there. She usually wakes up just as we are putting Kalia to sleep and then stays awake for a couple of hours. But at least her sleeping so much during the day allows us to give Kalia quite a bit of attention, especially today when Erik went back to work.

Kalia is really enjoying just staying at home, she really could just play here all day. She is enjoying the presents that Maya got her. She has a play-doh set and a wordworld house with letters and characters. Both presents that were supposed to be Christmas presents, but didn't arrive until a couple of weeks ago- so it worked out perfectly. Kalia is adjusting pretty well to having Maya at home. She loves Maya and wants to hold her and share her toys with her. But has been acting out a little bit towards the rest of us, but overall handling things really well.

Kalia has been refering to herself at "duck's mom". She has been leading dance classes in our living room every day and it's pretty funny to watch erik do all the moves she's teaching.

Maya had her appointment on Tuesday and she looks great, has already gained her birth weight back. Dr. Mateo gave us some tips on satisfying her sucking reflex, she is such a sucker! She was actually born with a blister on her hand from sucking on it in utero! No latching problems for Maya.

Monday, January 26, 2009


kalia & maya

Last night at dinner, Kalia all of a sudden said, "gratulations" (congratulations). It was pretty funny. I guess she's been hearing that a lot lately and it just came out and since we all laughed, she just kept saying it.

Erik busted me out of the hospital on Saturday, although they wanted to keep me until sunday because of the staples. I will just go to the clinic on Wednesday to get them out. It was so nice to get home. It is simply impossible to sleep at the hospital. With Kalia we were able to get a private room, but this time they were very, very busy and we shared a room. Besides the fact that Maya and the baby boy next to us were on opposite schedules, they come in to take your vitals and a million other things all night that I felt like I pulled 3 all- nighters. The first night there was a lady down the hall that was having some major issues and I felt like I was in the room with them, the nurse was talking so loud. At one point the nurse told her, "no, you cannot have any morphine to drink."

I think Kalia really was missing us too. She was very happy to have everyone home. She has officially become Daddy's girl. She knows that I can't do very much right now and daddy has been doing everything for her, so she calls for him for everything and even told me "no, I want Daddy"! I thought I wanted her to daddy's girl and I know erik is thrilled, but it makes me sad...trying to be a big girl about it.

Kalia has been very good with Maya. She called us earlier because she saw that she had spit up. She also always gently pats her head and gives her a little kiss when she passes by.

Maya Kikuye Hendrickson

Maya has just arrived!
...with healthy lungs

Maya Kikuye Hendrickson
Jan. 22, 2009
7 lbs. 4 oz, 20 inches
We had a scheduled repeat c-section and you would think that it would make things easier, but it was impossible to sleep the night before. Wednesday, I had an drs. appointment and had to go to the hospital for blood tests. Tutu watched Kalia, so Erik and I had a little day of appointments with a trip to Sam Sato's for lunch in between. At the drs. appointment, Erik informed me that maybe we shouldn't be having the baby the next day, since I hadn't gained enough weight and maybe the baby needed to grow more. I had been having so many contractions and pressure from the baby, I don't think I could have waited another day. But I thought it was pretty funny that he wanted to let the doctor know that the baby wasn't ready yet. Lunch was great at Sam Sato's and then to the hospital to fill out paper work and blood tests...where they hooked me up to the machine since I was having contractions. They let me go after monitoring me for about 20 minutes. Then to get blood tests. I hate blood tests and of course they let the new girl take my blood or rather butcher my arm. She got a vein, then pressed too hard and went through the vein, so another lady had to do it all over again. Still have bruise on arm from the first one.

Wednesday night Erik and I barely slept. 4:30AM our alarm went off and we got ready to head to the hospital. We went to registration and the lady said to me, "checking in?" I thought that was funny, it sounded like we were staying the weekend at the Marriott. We waited in the postpartum room for about an hour- put my IV in and waited. Then I was taken to the OR recover room and Erik went to put his scrubs on in the waiting room. Then the nurses and anesthesiologist came to ask me questions. I was waiting for the anesthesiologist, when a man came by in an aloha shirt with a brief case. He looked like he was there to fix the copy machine. He looked around at all the patients and said, "kathryn hendrickson?" I waved and he said, "you don't look like you're going to have a baby" and i said, "you don't look like the anesthesiologist". But he was great, explained everything, even during the surgery and really kept my mind off of what was going on. Erik was also amazing and really kept me focused.

The c-section was really quick, erik was brought in at 8:15AM and she was born on 8:30AM. She was absolutely purple/blue. I got to see her for just a little bit, but I could see out of the corner of my eye the nurse and doctor cleaning her up. She immediately peed and had two poops. Then I went to recovery for about an hour and Erik went in with Maya.

After an hour they took me to my shared room and Erik and Maya were waiting for me. She latched on right away, she's quite the barracuda. The day went by fast and soon I could start feeling me legs and then Tutu and Kalia came by at visiting hours. Kalia was really excited to meet her little sister.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

hiking with daddy & dance class

hike with daddy
found a little seat
trying out baby's carseat (kalia's old seat)

kalia's dance class
dance class

I'm going to make this quick. First photos are from a hike that Erik took Kalia on last week. Kalia has been taking a dance class at the gym and she really likes it. She is the youngest by at least a year...some girls are 4 and 5, but she seems to be having fun. She is getting a little more independent in the class and really likes the teacher.

Last post before the baby comes...tomorrow scheduled c-section at 8AM, we're leaving the house at 5:15AM for a 6AM check-in. Yes, my palms have been sweaty all day. We did blood work and signed our lives away this afternoon. We're excited and nervous. Next of the baby!

Monday, January 12, 2009

erik's birthday at the beach

surfing with daddy

kalia and sydney the mermaid

For erik's birthday we spent the morning at kuleana at the beach. We met erik's friend Kirk and daughter Sydney and Uncle Greg. Everyone had their fishing poles and Kirk brought his stand up paddle board. Kalia had a great time playing in the sand with Sydney. Erik and Greg tried out the stand up paddle board. Erik took Kalia out to catch her first wave!

After the beach morning we headed home for naps and then had dinner at the Seahouse Restaurant. It was a really nice day. Happy Birthday Erik!

erik's birthday eve

Friday night Kalia and I had a little b-day celebration waiting for erik. We made him a banner, cake and had his favorite meal waiting.

kalia putting the candles on
kalia's candle arrangement
kalia and daddy
blowing out the candles
eating cake
There were some photos of Erik and I with our party hats on, but we didn't look quite as cute. Friday we had a pretty busy day, Kalia and I watched Bianca in the morning - those girls kept me pretty busy! Then we went shopping for erik's cake and dinner. After our nap we went to napili park for our weekly play date group and then home to get ready for daddy's surprise. We made one of those recordable cards for erik with Kalia talking and she had a lot of fun doing it.

Kalia has been entertaining herself a lot more lately. Usually she has to be in the kitchen helping me with everything, but lately she just goes and plays either in her room or in the living room. Usually it's the same thing, having her own story time, she reads a book aloud and then sings a song in between and introduces every book or song. "OK, now we are going to read...."

painting baby sister's room

helping put on the primer
kalia did help with the paint too, but didn't get a photo

We finally painted the baby's room! Well, Erik did most of it. But at least that is one thing off of our list. We now have 10 days and will soon be chipping away at more stuff. We had to take Saturday day off for erik's birthday and yesterday I was recovering and refused the leave the house. So today I took Kalia to the park for a couple of hours and she had her dance class tonight.

I've taken Kalia to the last couple of dr. appointments because erik either had to work or had to pick up our bookshelf we ordered. She's getting pretty used to the drs. office. This past visit the doctor came in and asked Kalia how she was and Kalia immediately told her, "mommy put her toothpaste on my toothbrush!" Which was true, but it happened about a week earlier and it really came out of nowhere. I did accidentally put my toothpaste on her toothbrush instead of her toddler toothpaste and she just stood there looking at me for a while, until I noticed what I did. But it was a pretty random thing to say a week later to my OB.

I've been doing a few things like that lately and Kalia likes to remind me over and over again. The other day I called her "goodnight moon" book "goodnight hawaiian moon" which we also have and she told me about 10 times a day for days "not goodnight hawaiian moon mommy, goodnight moon!"

We moved our computer out to the living room and when the cable guy came to split the cable for our road runner, kalia told him, "I was pretending to check my email." Which she was just before, I looked over and she was sitting at the keyboard. The cable guy smiled and then looked back and said, "how old is she?" Pretty soon I can stop doing this blog because Kalia will have her own blog.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

january fun

beach days, favorite shoes and wagon pulling...

the most loved shoes in all of maui

kalia and bianca

pulling bianca on the wagon

laying on the sand

The first photo is of Kalia's favorite "monkey shoes". The photo does not do justice to how thrashed these shoes are, but she absolutely does not want to wear any other shoes. The other day at the park the toe on one shoe fell off, so I think they are officially retired. I think she still wore them once with the missing toe.

Today we were playing in Kalia's room and she pulled her tool set out. She noticed that her screwdriver had marker drawn all over it and said, "hey, who did this?" I said, "I don't know, do you think that maybe you drew on it with your marker?" She smiled and said, "It was an accident, I didn't mean to do it." I hate when I accidentally draw all over something with a marker.

Kalia has been pulling her friends around the neighborhood, first Bianca and then last night Ben. She has not been so happy with letting anyone else pull, but we are working on that.

I took Kalia to Ironwood Beach again to run her around and she rolled in the sand and did a "stick dance" in the wind, she was very happy to entertain herself. Even though I'm getting tired and unmotivated to get out of the house, it is a little easier once we get out.

We went to the other side yesterday and bought paint and diapers. So we have diapers and I guess that's all we really need. I keep telling myself this, since I am really stressing and trying not to drive erik crazy with my "nesting".

Last night Kalia was up and calling me crying 4 times. Is she trying to prepare me for the baby? It's been so long since something like this has happened, it really threw me off. The first time her blanket was not on her and then the next 3 times her "snowman" - little seal she sleeps with had fallen on the wall side of her bed. I was getting pretty mad at that snowman by 4:30AM. I'm going to have to have a talk with him later.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new years 2009

my little joker
flemings beach watching erik's $10 fireworks show
saying "that was spectacular" with uncle greg
my little pyro

she loved the sparklers, not afraid at all

The first photo, I took this morning and I was laughing so hard when I saw her. Kalia wanted to paint and I told her I had to go to the bathroom first, when I came back into the room she was in her booster seat with erik's hat on backwards, waiting for me to see her. She's quite funny when she wants to be. I forgot to mention in the last post that when she was saying, "look at me Tanner", she was holding a blue crayon like a moustache over her lip.

Yesterday Kalia and I just cruised around the house - Erik had to work in the am and surfed a little with Alana. Then in the evening we went to Flemings to meet sydney and some of her friends and after kalia rolled in the sand, erik set the kids up with sparklers and did a little fireworks show. Pretty impressive for $10. Kalia had a great time. She was the first to hold a sparkler and didn't hesitate. She is definitely our little pyro. The other girls were about 3 years older and she was fearless about the fireworks--she stood the closest to the fireworks, while the girls all sat way behind! We celebrated New Year's on east coast time with Kalia -- pizza dinner and martinelli's (although it was too bubbly for her).

Family Dinner

family photo
greg & tanner
erik & alana

kalia & mommy
family shot at leilani's
On tuesdays I usually take Kalia to story time at Barnes & Noble and since I don't work afterwards right now, we have been having a little date in the cafe afterwards. Even though we spend a lot of time together, it's pretty fun to go and sit down at the table and share a pretzel and some OJ. I know it won't be like this for a little while after the baby is born, so I am trying to enjoy our time together. Kalia really is my little buddy. She is definitely starting to come out of her shell a little more - especially with her playgroup friends.

Tuesday we had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon at Napili Park and Kalia had a lot of fun. Then we went home to change out of our wet/dirty clothes and go straight to dinner with Uncle Greg, Alana and Tanner. Kalia might have a new BFF, she really liked hanging out with Tanner at dinner. At one point, since it was so loud and everyone was talking, she must have said "look at me, Tanner" 20 times. Seriously, no exaggeration! She was really great at dinner and was the life of the party, or trying to be center of attention the entire time. She was being soooo silly! Considering she had already had 2 pieces of pizza and cake at the party, I was pretty proud of her for sitting as long as she did.

This morning I let her run around naked for a few hours, since she was willing to see if we could get her on the potty. We were 0 for 2, but at least she was willing to go without a diaper. She is being very anti-panties right now. She gets upset if I even say the word and I brought a pair out today and she picked them up and put them back in the drawer.