I'll start with a couple of funny things. Kalia's phrase of the week is, "seriously?" Erik loves it and so she says it a lot when he's around. "Daddy, seriously?" Kalia had the hiccups the other night and I said "you have the hiccups" and she said, "no, I have a cough" and then she said, "no, I have a bless you."
Monday night Uncle Greg and Alana came over for dinner and Kalia was in her super silly mood. She was running around and showing off.
Tuesday was Erik's Leilani's Christmas party and we asked Joelma and Bianca to watch Kalia. I was a little nervous because for some reason the past few weeks, Kalia wasn't really into her friend Bianca. We spent Sunday and Monday playing with Bianca and on Tuesday after her nap, she was practically ready to walk there by herself. I packed her Hello Kitty lunch box with snacks and she had her Word World DVD and she went outside and said, "mommy, are you coming too?" I guess she thought she was just going to walk over by herself. Then when I left she gave me a kiss and said, "bye, bye mommy." Pre-school is going to be hard on me. Erik and I had a lot of fun at his party, it was casino night and we brushed up on our black jack and tried craps with our fake money. I even splurged and had a coke. Erik was more than happy to use my drink coupons.
Wednesday we had our ultrasound and I'm measuring perfectly, 50th percentile. Baby looks about 5 lbs and 6 oz. with 5 weeks to grow. Very difficult laying on your back for the ultrasound now and it took much longer since it's hard to get the measurements when she's all curled up in there. She was sucking and had both hands under one of her cheeks.
Thursday Kalia and I went with some of the Mom's Group to the Kapalua Arboretum Hike. It was a lot of fun, although we were both exhausted afterwards. Kalia walked most of the hike, I did have to carry her towards the end. My babies are getting heavy! That night there was a Keiki Christmas party which was a lot of fun, despite the fact that Kalia and I were both pretty over tired and feeling a little (a lot) cranky. Thank you Daddy for keeping the peace.
Friday was our Mom's Group met at baby beach and there was a great turnout. Then in the evening we had our Mom's Night Out Christmas exchange. Erik had to work late and got home just before stories, Kalia was so excited to see him!!! She asked me where he was when she woke up that morning and then said, "But I want to give him a hug." We called him on the phone and she told him that. Then when she was making cupcakes in her kitchen, she said, "I wish I could give daddy his cupcake." I was going to be late to our Mom's gathering and Erik just told Kalia he was putting her down and that I had to meet the mommies and she was fine with it... my baby is growing up! Mom's right, I totally underestimate her...but she needs me...haha.
Kalia has so many books memorized, she almost has "The Little Engine that Could" memorized and that's a long story. I do have to help prompt her with a word or two. She could read books all day, but playing outside and running around she could pass on. We did take her babies on a long walk today in their stroller.
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