Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happy Halloween!


Pirate family goes trick or treating!

 Pirates meet up with batgirl and go door to door asking for candy.
Then if they get milk duds, they say "eeeew, I don't like milk duds".
I told them to wait until to say that until they were not in front of the person giving them,
said milk duds...

Pirates meet up with fairies and princesses,
and they walk and walk in search of more surgery treasure.

Kalia completely set up this scene
and asked for the photo!

Late night candy sorting.

Oh, they are so my kids.
Sort them into like piles!

The next morning was jog-a-thon at Kalia's school.
Here is second grade, ready to start running!

2nd Grade Girls!

For you Uncle Time!
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Team Duke's Beach House:)

 The girls greeting me after the run!
That was really hard!

Maya & I ready to lineup for the Keiki K!

The girls waiting to go,
then they announced they would go in two groups.
6 and older and 5 and under.
The 6 and older would run 1.5K
The 5 and under 100 yards or so.

Maya and the littles waiting to run!

The XTERRA crew counted down and then Maya took off!
Seriously, I had to sprint to catch up to her.
She got her game face on and started charging down the hill!

Kalia finishing offer her run.
Since the big kids ran so much further, we didn't know where they were!
She left before Maya and didn't come in for a while after Maya did!

Waiting to get her water in the tent with the other athletes:)

 Wearing her XTERRA medal and drinking from her XTERRA bottle!

Hendrickson girls run the XTERRA!
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Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me...

We decided to do a family costume this year
and this was our pirate flag I painted late one night.
It was to go with our pirate boat, but that didn't work out as plan.
As I told Kalia when she said, "The boat doesn't work! But we spent so
much time making it!" You win some, you lose some!

Before the Halloween dance,
setting up trunk or treat at school.

Pirates checking out the dance floor.

All the kids are ready to trunk or treat (post dance)

The pirate trunk.
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Me & Mo and the Pumpkin Patch

Kalia & Mommy day
Hike to the duck pond.
She wanted to dress like twins, we had blue tank tops,
white shorts, pony tails and sunglasses.
There was a little rain, a little butterfly counting,
a little complaining and a lot of fun.

 Feeding the ducks.

 She insisted on bringing her umbrella
and then said "i told you so" when it did rain.
Although I had to carry it home and
that's way I didn't want to bring it in the first place,
but she told me so!

Happy Birthday Uncle Greg!

Serving Fish Tacos at Plantation Days in the Leilani's booth.

Pumpkin Patch 2013
Checking out the ponies:)

Scarecrow Maya

Scarecrow Kalia


We met up with the Gorings and the kids ran all around the patch.
I thought it was really cute, when Maya was getting left behind while
the kids ran around, Kanoa waited for her.  What a kind boy!

Kapono, Maya, Kalia & Kanoa
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Maui County Fair

Up on the Ferris Wheel
The girls kept yelling down to Erik "Daddy, Daddy!"
and he was just looking around completely oblivious.
Even though he told them to wave at him...

View from the ride.

Checking out the livestock exhibit.

Maya went on the Merry Go Round,
while Kalia & Erik went on the big swing (I missed the photo op!)


Ending the evening with some cotton candy!
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Hula Show & Soccer Girlies

Hula Show at the Cannery Mall
Waiting for the show to start!
Waiting is hard.

Watching the older girls.

Little cuties!

We (Kalia & I) finally got to see one of Maya's practices and games,
since Kalia had a later game.
Practicing with Daddy!

Maya is a shark, she needs to go get the minnows.

Practicing her throw ins.

Going to score a goal!

Erik gets to coach one of Kalia's soccer games.
He loves this!
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