Sunday, June 2, 2013

hula, rainy day & some painting

About to go on stage at Kaanapali Beach Hotel

Happy Hula Girl

Printing the fabric for Maya's Pa'u at Hula Practice

Rainy Day

Which means, that we must immediately put on our rainboots, rain jacket
and go outside for some puddle jumping.  Was there ever any question?

The girls doing a still life painting in watercolor.
They are getting pretty good at mixing colors to
make new ones.  Kalia knows all of her primary colors and
what colors they create when mixed.  Both girls are
also very good at mixing red and white to get pink.

Kalia's class field trip to Barnes and Noble
to pick our a summer reading book.
Maya got to go to, since she was home that day.
This was a nice moment:)

Working on a new painting based on a Kandinsky project I found online.
Taking the primary colors and from there creating all other colors to paint
a Kandinsky-esque circle piece.  

 Good Job Girlies!
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Seabury Hall Craft Fair

Fun day at Seabury- Tutu had a booth, so we visited her & Grandpa
and then went to find the horses.
 Maya was dying to see the horses and couldn't wait, but she made it!

Kalia Cowboy

There was also a petting zoo,
where you could feed and brush
these miniature horses- they were in heaven!

Having rainbow shave ice with their friends,
Kanoa & Kapono
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daily doings

We have been playing jenga.
This was our championship night and we made it to 30 levels.
Both girls are quite good at it and we take the game
very seriously!

Kalia's class about to perform at the Cannery.

Birthday Party

Maya & Daddy

Watching the sunset with the girlies

They found a cool place to sit- sort of like a couch.

Kalia took this one- I think it's the first one of the two of us all year!

Maya's Pre-School had a
Mother's Day Morning Tea
Maya wanted us to dress like twins, so we did.
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May Day 2013

Our little princess!
Kalia was the 1st Grade May Day Princess

It was a lot of work (just ask her)
3-4 practices a week for 3 weeks,
but what a show and she did great!

2013 Sacred Hearts School May Day Court

1st and 2nd Grade Prince & Princesses

The court performs

1st and 2nd grade perform

Here is my claim to fame,
they called the prince & princesses' family on stage to
the performance game (hand game with rock, paper scissors at the end).

Court Photos

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April is busy!

Maya has been taking swim lessons!
I never thought Maya would need swim lessons, but just
like her sister at 4 years old, she did not want to put her face
in the water.  I think if we lived anywhere else or had a different
lifestyle, this would not be a problem.  But for her own safety, we spend
quite a bit of time in the water and for her own enjoyment,
we had to go back to swim lessons.
7 weeks later (this week) she can almost swim the long way
across Coach Maya's pool, taking 4 breaths
It's amazing.  We went to the pool today and she was
swimming everywhere, did not want to leave the pool, was
diving for these little torpedoes and loving the water- so worth it!!!
Summer, here we come!

These are from the beginning of May- just a few weeks into her lesson.
This was a girl who refused to put her face in the water 3 weeks before.

Erik dropping in at Kalia's classmate's birthday party
at the skate park.  Erik was more excited about this party than the girls.
Although they were using the ramps as slides.

The girls saw Tanner!

Maya's new big girl bed!

Maya riding on the train at the mall.

Maya started hula!
Maya is now in her own hula class (although Kalia does the class
with her, as well as her own class).  Very, very cute!
Looks like I will be making 2 ti skirts...
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Camping for Pono's Birthday

These are photos from April!  Life has been very busy lately, but now that school is out I hope to be more on top of the posts.  The more time that passed, the more daunting this update seemed!

Here the are the tree climbers at Kapono's 4th birthday campout extravaganza!  Super fun with the floatilla- relaxation station, great campfire & friends:) 

Maya didn't want to climb the big tree,
so she climbed this one and called over to the kids.

Erik took this one and I thought one day I would want to see that I was there too!

Kalia & Erik watching the sunset


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