Hiking to the duck pond with Maya's friend Ilana.

Ilana brought crackers for the ducks, but maybe the girls had some too..

Feeding the duck

Tutu took this shot of Kalia during one of their days together.
I am so thankful that mom could come out and help during
spring break- it was a life saver and the girls had so much fun!

Tutu also helped me start my baby clothes blanket project- finally!
I've been storing these clothes for years!
Here's the clothes before.

One of the squares (each blanket takes 80 squares).

Maya's is ready to sew (I'm going to try to have this done before Tutu
returns in May).

Kalia's ready to go!
These onesie's and little dresses brought back a lot of memories.
We included Kalia's name from her old hamper
and Maya's boppy cover. It was hard to cut up some of these pieces,
but good to know we will have them always!