Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kalia Morgan is 6 years old!

Good Morning Birthday Girl!

Maya was very patient and such a good sister
while Kalia opened her presents.
We had to wake Maya up so Kalia could open
her gifts and she jumped up to go retrieve Kalia's present.


Kalia looking at her card from Maya

Maya got 1 present,
she went around the corner to open it in private.

Kalia and her favorite gifts
My Little Pony dolls

Birthday Cake for Breakfast!
Erik had to work all day,
so after breakfast, we sang and had cake!

The girls and I then headed over to Fun Factory
To say the girls had a blast, is a little bit of an understatement.

They played air hockey, went on the merry go round
and played a lot of games.

Kalia playing

Flash forward 10 years?

Kalia the birthday girl!

Birthday Dinner at Leilani's with Scarlett

Kalia got just a little bit embarrassed when we all sang
Happy Birthday to her, since everyone around us clapped.
She ended up under the table.

Playing with Scarlett

It ended up being a pretty fun birthday.
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

growing up

Maya got to do a trial day at The Pre-School at Kapalua.
They suggested that Kalia come as well.

They started out with some drawing

Maya checking out the kids and toys.
It was a great day.
By the time we picked them up,
Maya did not want to leave!
Kids were saying bye to her and she had fun.

at the park

Friday we needed a little adventure afternoon

We took the girls up north of Subs towards Hobbitland.
Kalia was a great rock climber as usual,
Maya did great.
We are definitely moving to our next stage of adventures
with the girls.

Our spot
Erik fishing


Kalia figuring out her way down,
she is so good at this!

Hmmm.... how do I get across?

Watching the honu
There were 4 big turtles, one in particular
was gigantic.  They kept coming up and
the girls would squeal and yell "there's another one!"

Turtle watching

Since Erik will be working on Kalia birthday on Tuesday,
he took her jet skiing and to the Marriott for some fun Kalia time.
She had a blast!!!
That afternoon we headed down for a pre-sunset surf,
it was fun, the girls had fun jumping from rock to rock.

It was just what I needed-
I wanted to mention, since I don't often
that I'm so glad that my husband makes me
step out of my comfort zone and live in the moment.
Just what I needed today.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

summertime and the livin's easy

Ironwood Hike

Kalia ended up with an ear infection this week,
so we have been spending some quality time at home.
However, Maya is not sick and so it's been a little challenging
to stay at home.
We did get out of the house Sunday morning,
we went to Ironwoods to hike around, slide down the sand dunes
and get outside but away from the general public.
Of course, it was crazy windy and we ended up with sand
in all of our parts, including ears, which might not be
best for ear infections.  But it sure was fun.
We picked up some musubis at the Honolua Store,
where Maya decided to dig out sand at the check out
line from her bottom.

Get ready to slide

It was a little tough at the top,
but Maya pushed through.
They were also having fun getting stuck in the
ditch behind the top of the mountain.
 I told Kalia that we could make a stuffed toy.
I was really thinking that she could draw on fabric
and I would cut it out and she could stuff it.
But after looking around online, we saw toys made from
kids drawings and Kalia started designing her toy.
Here is our finished product and the original drawing.
I made the shirt out of one of Maya's old outfits.
I know, she wants the cat too...

Bambi was on TV the other day and we decided to watch it
and knowing it was sad, we did warn Kalia.
She cried and cried and wanted me to hold her,
my little sensitive one.
But what I didn't realize is that Maya was
paying attention, she said nothing, until 2 days later.
We were brushing our teeth and this was our conversation:
Maya: "Mommy I love you"
Me: "I love you too"
Maya: "I don't want you to leave me Mommy"
Me: "I'm not going to leave you"
Maya: "Are you going to die Mommy?"

 I was not expecting this question.
I told her that I was going to be with her for a
long, long time.  My baby is growing up.

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