Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Maya turns 3!

Jumpy Slide
The kids had fun using their squirt bottles to wet the slide

Maya checking out her tattoo

Maya's cupcakes

Getting ready to sing

"Happy Birthday to Maya, Happy Birthday To You!"

Kalia helping Maya, she was feeling a little overwhelmed
and wanted help blowing out her candles

Poor Maya was not feeling herself

The Scene

Getting ready for the pinata

Get it Maya!


Go Kalia!

The pinata crowd

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Batter up!
We had a really fun day at airport beach. Poor little Maya was not feeling 100%, but she powered through. Erik and I were up late the night before putting together her kitchen and the girls had fun playing all morning. Then off to the party for bouncing, squirt bottles and lots of food. I can't believe our little baby is a big 3 year old!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Erik pointing out where the reindeers tore up the lawn...again!
and there was reindeer poop again! Gee, those reindeer sure like to poop on our lawn, we are so lucky!

Maya's horsey with a stick

Kalia loves candy canes

Opening presents

Maya presents

Princess nightgowns from Auntie Kim!

Princess shoes

Ariel doll from Auntie Lo!

Tub train tracks for Maya

Checking out their goodies

Doorway puppet theatre I made the girls

We also gave them these puppet kits,
and of course they had to make them- all of them right then!

Christmas Day at s-turns

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Come over for a show,
Kalia also has a magic show that she now performs from behind
the theatre curtains.
We had a really fun and relaxing Christmas. The girls woke up excited and we really had a wonderful family day. Maya was really happy with her horse on a stick and Kalia after all the build up for the Lalaloopsy- not so excited. I guess this is our first case of something on TV not living up to her expectations. The one gift I was really excited about was a puppet theatre that I sewed for them to stick in any doorway. The really loved it and went to play immediately. We spend some time making all of the puppets- so they could put on a play. We finally made it out of the house in the afternoon. We headed down to s-turns and Erik surfed and we played in the water. It was a great day!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve
Watching horseshoes

Then the rain started and the girls went out to use the umbrella

Tanner walking in the rain with the girls

Family Photo

We had "fatties" for dinner and
then onto our traditional cookie decorating

The competition was tough this year!

Kalia carefully decorating her cookies

To Maya "more is more".

Alana's winning Christmas Tree & Candy Cane
She came with her A game this year!

Filling up the bowls of treats for the reindeer,
rice crispies and carrots

Carefully setting out the reindeer treats.

Santa's cookies

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Me and my girls:)
We had such a fun Christmas Eve- so glad that we get to spend Christmas Eve with Alana and Tanner. We had our traditional horseshoes game outside and then the rain started to come down. Fatties for dinner and then decorating cookies. The power went out on Christmas eve for a little while and we had fun lighting the candles. When the lights went out, Maya went around asking, "who turned on the dark?" Then she would go up to each person and say, "did you turn on the dark?" We let the girls open their gifts from Alana and Tanner and 1 other one and then all went to bed very, very late!


The Leilani's blessing ceremony for the opening of the new bar!
Erik cleansing his hands before entering.

Check out the new bar!

We had a very rainy holiday season,
the girls trying out our new umbrella.

Cruising with cousin Tanner

Maya and Alana

Dinner at Leilani's
Uncle Greg, Kalia, Tanner, Alana & Maya

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Making cookies for decorating on Christmas Eve