Sunday, November 27, 2011

friday at duke's and saturday at baby beach

friday at Duke's for Henry Kapono,
getting ready for the music

they had so much fun running around the grass,
and we had a spectacular sunset!

working hard at baby beach

Cole was attached to that turtle for most of the day,
the girls doing a great job of filling the whole with water!

three kids in the pool!


here comes maya!
she loves cruising in this little inner tube,
she was riding little waves at napili bay in this tube.
I didn't get any pictures from today,
but we went down to mile marker 14 and had fun.
maya made a little friend, 3 year old named Carson.
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thanksgiving 2011

Our little pilgram

Lining up before the performance,
sorry, it took a while to download these photos from my camera.

Group photo after the play

Kalia & Kaylyn

Thanksgiving lunch with Tutu & Grandpa- yum!

Cole James is here!
Auntie Lo, Uncle Vere & Cole arrived on Wednesday.
Kalia is seriously loving on Cole, both girls are,
we have definitely been invading some personal space!
He's just too cute!


Thanksgiving Day
Napili Bay to get our family photo,
Cole running Kalia down to the water

Our family photo

Cole & Grandpa

Thanks Mom & Dad for the wonderful Thanksgiving food!
Apples to Apples- don't ask who won!
Yes, it was Greg.
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

thanksgiving play and a song

Watch Kalia's Thanksgiving Play:
It was too long, so it is in 3 parts. Kalia's line, "you are very kind" is in the 2nd video. She is in the Mayflower, front row, very far left and she is hard to see. After the play we got to have Thanksgiving lunch with Kalia. Tutu, Grandpa, Maya and I got to eat lunch in the cafeteria and it was really fun!

After the play the 2nd grade & Kindergarten gave us a preview of their Christmas program, which was a song with some arm movements and when we got home Maya wanted to put on her own show for us, see below:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

this week

well, actually last week,
we hiked to the duck pond with scarlett

The koi were agressive,
the ducks must have been full,
but it was highly entertaining.
Maya spent the week re-telling the tale
of how Scarlett's daddy flung a koi out of the water
and scared them all.


the choo-choo train down,
there was also the variation where
they all wanted to be in the middle
of the hand holding and so were
walking down hill in a circle.

Happy Belated Birthday Auntie Kim, sorry your birthday blog is late...

Let's see, at this very moment Kalia and Maya are sleeping together on an air mattress in Maya's room. I was brave and told them they could sleep together last night, since Tutu and Grandpa were coming and it worked. Except for the part where Maya cried because Kalia convinced her that the light coming in from her slightly open curtains was making "creepy shadows" on the wall. And the fact that they were up at 5:45am. Well, Tutu and Grandpa came late and so that was the 1st time they saw them and they were just a little bit excited. Nobody slept after they discovered them.

Erik is on Oahu right now to watch Tanner surf the first event in the Triple Crown- The Reef Hawaiian Pro at Haleiwa. GO TANNER! As I dropped him off this morning at the airport, we were discussing what a big trip this was- packing up and semi-spontaneously going to Oahu (without us!) and how 6 years ago, this would be a regular thing, but 2 kids later, this is major travel. Times have changed!

We've been having stormy weather and I'm enjoying it. Excited for some projects this week while Mom is here. I will try to be more diligent with my picture taking.
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Friday, November 11, 2011

from the mouth of a 5 year old


"Things that are NOT hot to you, is hot to me. Because you are a grown-up and I'm a little kid" Explanation for the fact that her pasta might be too hot, although we told her it wasn't.

"Why do you get to say "what the heck" and we don't"?
Good question!

After I told Kalia (after seeing them sitting on either side of Maya's toy car) that they were going to tip over. "No we aren't, because we are each sitting on a side and it's the same amount of heavy".

Although she did believe she could crawl threw a fabric tunnel connecting the arm of one couch to the other couch's arm. It was about 3 1/2 feet off the ground, held to the couch by a book.

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give thanks
kalia wrote all the letters
maya helped to color them in
this morning

playing with instagram on my phone
silly girls

this morning
staying in our jammies
princess & ballerina dress up

Happy Birthday Great Grandma Kik! We love you!!!

Let's see, what's been happening? The weather has been pretty wintery, stormy/rainy in the morning and most days it clears up by the afternoon. We did go meet Scarlett at the beach on Sunday and it was nice, but the water was cold! Kalia and I have been spending our after school time at Barnes and Noble and the library. I was really excited at our last library trip, we found a Thanksgiving book and I found a cake pop book- score!

Kalia is really into playing school, from the first thing in the morning, after school and right before bed. She makes these really cool coloring projects, journal pages, but is quite strict about paying attention. Her little bubble letters are quite good and she drew out all the letters for our banner this morning.

Maya has been quite the little ham lately. The other night, she insisted on putting on her own pajama shirt and when it got stuck like a belt around her waist, she started doing the funniest hula-esque, booty shaking dance. She had a fun little play with Joel on Thursday, they are so cute and such little buddies.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

news from abbey lane

So Kalia has started coming home with real, honest to goodness kid playground rhymes (you know the ones that you do in a circle to determine who will be it and chase the other kids). Here are the two she does on the playground with her friends:

1. "Coconut, coconut, coconut crack!" (you have your hands clasped and if crack lands on you, then you split the coconut to two fists, then if it lands on one of your fists then you have your hand flat, like paper, and if it lands again then your hand it out, until 1 person is left).

2. Sung while you go from shoe to shoe: "Batman, batman fly away, don't come back to the USA" (yeah, I really don't get it either) if it lands on your shoe- you're out.

Maya told Erik today at dinner, "Daddy you're a boy and I'm a girl and Kalia's a girl and Mommy's a girl."

We have a reversal of candy eating. Little Miss Savor Each Treat Kalia has turned into a regular kid who gobbles down their sweets. Maya is making towers with her treats and taking forever to eat them! Maya never used to have any patience when it came to goodies!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

halloween 2011

Halloween Day
Kalia had a Halloween Party at School,
1st the class trick or treated to all the classrooms.

Kalia & Mrs. Coon (her teacher)

Kalia & Kylee

Kalia's Class

Then we did "Build a Monster",
we blindfolded them and took them into the science room.
Then we had them put their hands into different
containers with intestines (spaghetti), eyeballs (pealed grapes),
fingers (hot dogs), heart (water balloon).
They were all saying, "ewww, gross!" and some were a little scared:)

Then after recess they had 4 different centers.
Paint a pumpkin

Make a ghost

Make an owl

Decorate Cupcakes

The decorated cupcakes

Finished pumpkins

Hanging ghosts
Kalia in her seat where she sits in class:)

It was really fun to see how the kids interact in class
and such a fun day to share with Kalia!

Halloween Keiki Parade
Front Street, Lahaina

We met Scarlett for the parade

On the parade route,
I was in such a mad dash to leave the house,
that I forgot Maya's ears and Kalia's wings...


Going on the big stage to get their ribbons:)
All by themselves!

Then we rushed home to meet daddy- it was pouring rain too!
When we got home, Erik had all the lights turned out
and all the candles lit. We sat and ate dinner and went around
and told ghost stories. It was really fun!
Then we headed out into the rainy weather to do some
trick or treating. Martin our neighbor came to our door
so that the girls could trick or treat him, since it was raining!
We drove up the road to meet Kalia's friend Kylee to trick or treat
and since it was just drizzling, we didn't even take our rain jackets.
Of course, on our way back towards the car, but several blocks away,
the sky opened up and dumped rain on us- we were soaked!
The girls and I hid under a tree, while Erik got the car.
It was definitely a Halloween we won't forget,
the girls obviously had a blast!
Check out their loot at the end of the night.

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