the girls were both sick last week...again.
We ended up missing two birthday parties,
Kalia handled it well considering they were both good friends.
Maya is getting so good at those Melissa & Doug puzzles.
Maya can match all the animals and name them,
most of the time she can get them right in -
occasionally she totally freaks out when she can't:)
Kalia has always been great at puzzles and now does these
with ease. We've moved onto the big girl puzzle. But the 3 year puzzles are too easy and the 5 year puzzles are just a bit too hard. Isn't there anything in between?
Tutu brought her a new puzzle to work on- 150 pieces.
To be completely honest, I like those puzzles too.
playing so cute outside. They were wrestling
and rolling around and having so much fun with each other!
they can be such good playmates - sometimes...
We are definitely invading his personal space-
He's just too cute, we can't help ourselves!
Maya loves Grandpa, she always is looking for him
and when he gets out of the car- she cries for him.
So a quick story from tonight that I think is sooooo funny! Dad went and got us Okazuya take out tonight and our meals came with these little shoyu packets (soy sauce). Anyway, Kalia asked me what they were and I told her they are "shoyu" and later she asked if I was going to pour it out on the plate and I said "no". She said, "but you said that you would show me" - I totally laughed- she thought I said "show you", which I did since it's prounced the same as shoyu. Anyway, I was hysterically laughing, I'm still laughing about it.
Kalia has really been a good big sister and taking care of her sister. Kalia has also been spelling some small words. If we give her a word and do the sounds for her, she will spell it out for us. It will be really exciting when she starts reading - since she loves her books.
So Maya is such a little "monkey see, monkey do". If you see Kalia doing something, you can bet that Maya will be following her around doing and saying the same thing. I asked Maya the other day, "Is everything that Kalia does, so cool?" and she smiled and said, "yes".
I am totally amazed that I have been able to (most of the time) reason with Maya- if I explain things. She may not like it, but once she understands things, it seems to calm her down. Baffling (such an Erik word).
Right now the "Hokey Pokey" can cure most of Maya's grumpies in the car.
I know there is more, but after a week of fighting off the cold that the girls had...I think I'm losing the battle...
Happy Thanksgiving - looking forward to family time tomorrow.
Kalia has really been a good big sister and taking care of her sister. Kalia has also been spelling some small words. If we give her a word and do the sounds for her, she will spell it out for us. It will be really exciting when she starts reading - since she loves her books.
So Maya is such a little "monkey see, monkey do". If you see Kalia doing something, you can bet that Maya will be following her around doing and saying the same thing. I asked Maya the other day, "Is everything that Kalia does, so cool?" and she smiled and said, "yes".
I am totally amazed that I have been able to (most of the time) reason with Maya- if I explain things. She may not like it, but once she understands things, it seems to calm her down. Baffling (such an Erik word).
Right now the "Hokey Pokey" can cure most of Maya's grumpies in the car.
I know there is more, but after a week of fighting off the cold that the girls had...I think I'm losing the battle...
Happy Thanksgiving - looking forward to family time tomorrow.