Tuesday, August 31, 2010

busy days & a red headband

Lunch date at Leilani's
Erik had been working a lot and so we
went in to see him during his manager shift.
Kalia loves her red headband from her Snow White
outfit and so see if you can find all the places
it's been lately.

Maya at the Mall Playground.
Actually Kalia wore the headband this day too,
but I already had so many photos up...

Volcom Contest at Lahaina Harbor
Kalia watching the skateboarders
in between Alana & Tanner's heats.

Maya in Alana's glasses -
while she surfed, I had to apologize
for the sticky fingerprints after.

Girls enjoying their nectarines.

With Uncle Greg
waiting for the results.


Kalia was kind enough to give Maya her first baby
with diaper changing set. Maya loves, loves to change
her "poo poo diapey". "Uh oh, poo poo" "Diapey?"
We change it about 4 times in a row!

Trying desperately to get the girls on similar schedules,
so we've been waking Kalia up.
Maya can't wait to see her and when I tell
her finally we can go get "sissy".
She goes up to her door and knocks and says, "knock, knock".
Then she wanted to go on the bed and lay on her tummy.
Kalia just waking up.

Maya at the park.
She is getting brave, I turn around
and she is half way up the bar climbing area!

Kalia at the park.

Morning with Daddy,
watching a show.

Maya has gotten quite good at this Dora ATV,
although still working on steering!

Sunflower Plants from Auntie Kim!

Riding bikes.

Walking down the trail to Windmills.

Kalia checking out the little cave.

Cave Girls

Kalia the rock climber.
I would literally turn around and
she would be sitting on top of a huge boulder!

Erik fishing - he caught a Papio!

More rock climbing - she is really getting
adventurous, almost giving me a heart attack!

Maya in thelittle tree root house.
Gosh I love Windmills!

It's really magical at Windmills,
great shelling, caves & watching the kite surfers.
It's definitely windy and the sand isn't perfectly
smooth- but that's where you find all the treasure.

Monday night Uncle Greg, Alana & Mark
came over and after our game of
Apples to Apples, Kalia did some
spoon tricks for us.

Oh gosh, where do I start...school is going well for Kalia. I've heard her ask somebody "do you want to play with me" a couple of times when I'm leaving school. I just think that's so cute and so good for her and so brave. She's just my shy one and I love to hear her being such a brave, independent girl. Of course this is all before Scarlett gets there... The other day I asked Celia (Scarlett's mom) to ask Scarlett if Kalia took a nap (Kalia can never tell me, she honestly has no idea). Scarlett said that she was awake and when Celia asked her how she knew, she said "because we were looking at each other".

Here's some new Maya phrases, "I'm hungry, Mommy" - while she is rummaging through my bag, helping herself to any snacks. Or she says, "I want snacks". She told Kalia the other night when Kalia was still in the bath "Momo, one minute"- exactly like I sometimes do. We call Kalia - Kalia Mo (Morgan) and sometimes just Momo and I always give her the one minute warning to get out of the tub. Yesterday Maya said, "Helpy me" when she was trying to get into her baby stroller. Then when she was all situated she said, "I'm ready". She wanted me to push her in the stroller.

More later...monkey is about.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

croup & a birthday

My sick girls at home posing for my new phone.
Maya had a cold and Kalia's cold turned into Croup or Croupy Cough.
It was horrible, two friday nights ago we were up all night,
she had such labored breathing and every breath in was a cough out.
I was almost ready to drive the 45 minutes to the
emergency room at 1am. But we made it through
the night and went to urgent care the next day and after
some prescribed medication - the effects were almost immediate!
We are also proud owners of a cool humidifier, who would
have thought you would need a humidifier in Hawaii?

Why do year and a halfs never stop to
pose nicely for the camera. Still love this one.
All photos are taken on my iphone - bday gift from erik.

Mermaid I made using my scrapes, from here.
I found that it's hard to sew curved lines, but it
was really fun to make. I was literally laughing at times
at my crazy stitches. I am making another
in pink for Kalia, since you know...two of everything!

Look at Cole James!
Don't you just want to eat him up?
Lauren started a blog too!
Check it out to see more of Mr. Cole.

I turned 35 on tuesday. Monday night we went out
to dinner at Duke's with the family:
Uncle Greg, Alana, Tanner & Alana's friend Kiki.

I had an easy night, everyone watched
the kids and I actually sat and had a relaxing meal.

Alana & Kalia

The girls attacking Tanner.

Erik & Alana

Maya & Uncle Greg

There's nothing like Hula Pie...

Posing for me on my birthday!

Trying to make Maya laugh or maybe laughing at what Maya was wearing.

She had to wear Erik's shirt, she was about to
throw herself on the floor in a full tantrum to wear it.
I don't know - is it kinda cute?

On my birthday night, Uncle Greg babysat and
Erik & I went out to Sansei. But before we left we did
cake (Maya goes to bed too early, so she got cake yesterday)
Kalia thoroughly enjoyed reign over the cake
and licked each and every candle as they came out.

Thursday at Mala
Erik had a 1/2 day off and got a couple sessions in.
We met him and the girls wanted a ride
on the board. Maya kept saying on the way
down to Mala, "daddy surfing".

I know, can you believe I let my new iphone
let this close to the water?
But these photos came out much better
than my regular camera.

Kalia my little ham...as usual.

Maya copying or doing what she thinks she sees Kalia doing.

So I had a great birthday week and even went out with some friends on Thursday night. Of course Maya woke up at 4am for an hour that morning...how do they know? I must be getting old, after going out (and 1 time was only for dinner) 3 nights this week, I'm exhausted! If my 25 year old self could hear this, she would be ashamed!

Kalia was very upset on the way to school the other day and when I asked her why she said, "mommy, when i get married, I don't want to live with them. I want to live with you and Daddy and Maya forever. Please can I live with you forever." It was so sweet, she loves her family. But I also wanted to write this down to reference it in about 10 years - remind her that she wanted to live with me and Maya for the rest of her life...since I'm sure it will be one of us that is very annoying to her.

Maya is a pro at singing her ABCs. Today I got to surf again, trading off with my fellow surf mommy and when she was watching the crew they sang their ABCs and she told me that usually everyone is impressed with Zo singing them at just 2, but Maya was singing it so perfectly it was intimidating him. She's been pointing to the flower lei around the room that tutu stenciled and says, "I see a flower, I see a leaf".

Oh, I think this is funny- have you ever seen that movie Anchorman with Will Ferrell? There's the one part where all the Newscasters are in one of the offices having this heated discussion and they are all fired up and when they pause, Steve Carell yells, "loud noises" - just to contribute to the yelling. We always thought that was so funny. So when Erik leaves for work in the morning, Kalia runs to the door and yells after him "Daddy have a good day at work. When you get home, tell us about your day. I love you..." So Maya always follows Kalia to the door and yells, "a yaya baga laya seee ga work". And it just totally reminds me of that scene...ok, did you follow that story at all?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Saturday at Napili Bay - tidepool side
Maya and I play in the sand, while
Erik, Kalia, Kirk & Sydney explore the tidepools.
Kalia has been quite the rock walker/climber lately.

Exploring the tidepools
Sydney & Kirk caught a few little hermit crabs
and a couple little fish.
Then the girls had a crab race around the bucket...
which was actually very close and exciting!

Afternoon rainbow at s-turns,
we went down for some fishing, rock exploring
and shell finding.
Kalia has been quite the little monkey climbing
on rocks everywhere and Maya is actually turning into
quite the shell finder!

Maya was pointing everywhere and
saying "rainbow".

Uncle Greg making Maya smile.
Sunday down at the "spot" for longboarding, swimming
and hanging out with Mark, Uncle Greg & his friend Julie.

Kalia cruised around in the water for so long
with Julie. She had a blast!

Maya & Uncle Greg

I'm really interested in re-purposing and
have a few ideas for projects, but just haven't had
the time. But worked on this one this week.
This is the BEFORE shot of one of old favorite
dresses that just didn't fit well anymore.
But I loved the material, so kept it around longer
than I normally would.

Here's the AFTER - my new hold everything bag.
It was perfect because the dress had lining,
which I used for lining the bag and was
able to put some small pockets inside.

Yesterday afternoon after Erik got home from work, we all headed down to s-turns again and explored the little mini beaches on the side of the regular beach area. Kalia was climbing everywhere. She climbed so high up on this leaning tree and all over the boulders that lined the area. Kalia really is our little monkey girl and had so much fun! Bummed I forgot my camera - such great potential shots!

Here's some new funny things from Maya: She loves to says "shaka" and then tries to throw her little shaka. Yesterday I was getting the girl's swimsuits out for the beach and Maya was carrying around Kalia's and telling Kalia "arms up" (like what I say when I'm going to take clothes off to put swimsuit on). This morning we had yogurt for the first time in a really long time and Maya said "I like yogurt". She's been really good with her "i" vs. "you". I will say "do you want apple?" and she says "i want apple".