I let them watch a little something,
so I could put Maya down for her nap.
When I came out I heard Scarlett say,
"Kalia, do you want to put your head on my lap?".
covered pretzel rods with sprinkles.
I had intended to make them for
Kalia's party and ran out of time.
and it only lasted maybe 10 minutes.
It may never happen again...but it's so darn cute!
OK, we are just lazy, but the wagon
has been missing a nut for about 6 months
and I just went down to Ace and $0.17 later
it's fixed!
but really likes it if it's metal.
i-teeth i think, i hope.
Sorry it's been a while again...
Let' see what have we been up to? Well, Kalia has been out of school, so we've been pretty much cruising. We had spent four days in a row at the beach last week. I'm pretty stoked I met a mom who surfs and has a 2 year old son and we've been trading off to surf. She lives across from Puamana and we've been meeting and strolling the kids into Puamana, just taking her board and we share and then we take turns surfing "beaches". Two weeks in a row and now we are meeting tomorrow. Wednesday we both had so much fun- felt a little guilty that I was catching a bunch of fun waves while erik worked...
Last weekend it was pretty flat, so Erik put up with me and helped me re-organize our entire room. We literally moved every piece of furniture. We got a new bookshelf and got rid of a few things I've wanted to forever and I'm really happy. It's pretty funny because I just started on Friday when he was at work, but told him that he didn't need to do anything, it was totally my project. But it would have been difficult without him - so thanks Erik! Did I mention that I re-organized the girls' rooms too, so I was on a serious roll.
The girls:
So Erik came home the other day and Maya ran out to meet him. Then inside, she gave him a big hug and said, "Daddy, I lub you." Seriously, so amazing. She had said "I lub you" before, but never directly like that. The next day I got one. As I was answering a work email, she came up and hugged my legs and said, "i lub you." She told him tonight, "daddy, you funny". Her language is amazing. She's been saying, "I want ____ " (snacks, milk, ariel) and today she pointed to Kalia's dress and said, "I like". She's been reciting books to us to, little parts, but she can say, "brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?", then she laughs hysterically and then says, "funny". This girl will do anything for a laugh. I put on the ABC song in the car and she sings away. The version we have does a slow country version, classical- sort of opera style and she copies each way, it's really funny.
But she is definitely 18 months and testing. The other morning Kalia asked to have some juice and after I told her "not now", Maya had already heard the word and decided to throw herself on the floor screaming, determined to have some. I had to stand my ground and it was hard, but hopefully, she will learn soon that mommy's word is law...haha. Erik just rolled his eyes when I read that to him. I will laugh later when I see that, when she's really pushing her limits.
Maya is now in a big girl booster! She just didn't want to sit in the highchair anymore. She has also been my helper in the kitchen lately, just like Kalia at this age. Well, she helps herself to whatever ingredients I'm putting in.
Now onto Kalia...
I think Kalia is hitting that stage where 1 nap is too much and no nap is not enough. So everyone has been in bed super early lately. Kalia has been very observant lately, which is saying something because she really is in her own little world a lot. We were driving and it was raining the other day and she was asking about what controls the windshield wipers and was I making them go or do they just go when it rains.
She has been drawing a lot lately. Today she drew a picture of maya's cupcake purse. I think she is really figuring out that she can draw almost anything, if she looks at the shape and details. She drew a unicorn with a princess the other night and it looked exactly like one. Well, both the unicorn's legs & princesses were stick, but the shape was great. I know I could never at her age drawn something like that, especially without looking at a picture of it. It was just from her head!
We are starting to work a little on lower case letters, since she still writes all letters upper case. She recognizes both, but only write in upper case. We got this cool book with ABC, numbers, patterns, science, language and she's really into it. The only hard thing is keeping maya away, she thinks she can draw on anything that Kalia is drawing on. Kalia has been playing by herself a lot in her room, making stories up with her stuffed animals or looking at books. We had a fun playdate with Scarlett on Monday, they played really well together. We have this wooden/magnetic doll set where you can changed their clothes and they would call me in to see the crazy/funny outfits they put on the doll. They were laughing hysterically! Although life is hard when both you and your best friend's favorite color is pink and there is only one pink set in the tea set...
Monday school starts for Kalia (mon, wed, fri) and Maya is going to go those 3 mornings to Celena's...having mixed feelings, but I think it's time.
Let' see what have we been up to? Well, Kalia has been out of school, so we've been pretty much cruising. We had spent four days in a row at the beach last week. I'm pretty stoked I met a mom who surfs and has a 2 year old son and we've been trading off to surf. She lives across from Puamana and we've been meeting and strolling the kids into Puamana, just taking her board and we share and then we take turns surfing "beaches". Two weeks in a row and now we are meeting tomorrow. Wednesday we both had so much fun- felt a little guilty that I was catching a bunch of fun waves while erik worked...
Last weekend it was pretty flat, so Erik put up with me and helped me re-organize our entire room. We literally moved every piece of furniture. We got a new bookshelf and got rid of a few things I've wanted to forever and I'm really happy. It's pretty funny because I just started on Friday when he was at work, but told him that he didn't need to do anything, it was totally my project. But it would have been difficult without him - so thanks Erik! Did I mention that I re-organized the girls' rooms too, so I was on a serious roll.
The girls:
So Erik came home the other day and Maya ran out to meet him. Then inside, she gave him a big hug and said, "Daddy, I lub you." Seriously, so amazing. She had said "I lub you" before, but never directly like that. The next day I got one. As I was answering a work email, she came up and hugged my legs and said, "i lub you." She told him tonight, "daddy, you funny". Her language is amazing. She's been saying, "I want ____ " (snacks, milk, ariel) and today she pointed to Kalia's dress and said, "I like". She's been reciting books to us to, little parts, but she can say, "brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?", then she laughs hysterically and then says, "funny". This girl will do anything for a laugh. I put on the ABC song in the car and she sings away. The version we have does a slow country version, classical- sort of opera style and she copies each way, it's really funny.
But she is definitely 18 months and testing. The other morning Kalia asked to have some juice and after I told her "not now", Maya had already heard the word and decided to throw herself on the floor screaming, determined to have some. I had to stand my ground and it was hard, but hopefully, she will learn soon that mommy's word is law...haha. Erik just rolled his eyes when I read that to him. I will laugh later when I see that, when she's really pushing her limits.
Maya is now in a big girl booster! She just didn't want to sit in the highchair anymore. She has also been my helper in the kitchen lately, just like Kalia at this age. Well, she helps herself to whatever ingredients I'm putting in.
Now onto Kalia...
I think Kalia is hitting that stage where 1 nap is too much and no nap is not enough. So everyone has been in bed super early lately. Kalia has been very observant lately, which is saying something because she really is in her own little world a lot. We were driving and it was raining the other day and she was asking about what controls the windshield wipers and was I making them go or do they just go when it rains.
She has been drawing a lot lately. Today she drew a picture of maya's cupcake purse. I think she is really figuring out that she can draw almost anything, if she looks at the shape and details. She drew a unicorn with a princess the other night and it looked exactly like one. Well, both the unicorn's legs & princesses were stick, but the shape was great. I know I could never at her age drawn something like that, especially without looking at a picture of it. It was just from her head!
We are starting to work a little on lower case letters, since she still writes all letters upper case. She recognizes both, but only write in upper case. We got this cool book with ABC, numbers, patterns, science, language and she's really into it. The only hard thing is keeping maya away, she thinks she can draw on anything that Kalia is drawing on. Kalia has been playing by herself a lot in her room, making stories up with her stuffed animals or looking at books. We had a fun playdate with Scarlett on Monday, they played really well together. We have this wooden/magnetic doll set where you can changed their clothes and they would call me in to see the crazy/funny outfits they put on the doll. They were laughing hysterically! Although life is hard when both you and your best friend's favorite color is pink and there is only one pink set in the tea set...
Monday school starts for Kalia (mon, wed, fri) and Maya is going to go those 3 mornings to Celena's...having mixed feelings, but I think it's time.