These are just some videos of kalia doing her kalia thing. The other night after the girls went to bed and I was planning on immediately cleaning the bathroom (one did get cleaned that evening!) I ended up looking at all of the old posts on this blog and I couldn't believe how much kalia has changed in a year. I just wanted to put up some videos of her just being her at this age so in a year i can look back in amazement again. I can't believe that in my first post last year kalia was saying, "mommy, what doing?". Now we have full conversations!
Maya is rolly polly girl. If I leave the room, I come back and she's stuck under her bouncy seat, next to a dining table chair, rolling over a stuffed dinosaur, try to roll over the coffee table over and over again. She also gets her knees under her and pushed off with her feet. Some nights when I go to feed her in the middle of the night, she has done a 180 from where she started and is on the complete opposite side of the crib. Her favorite game right now is for me to stand her up next to her little toy basket and she grabs everything and throws it onto the ground. She also wants whatever kalia or I have. The other day during kalia's nap, she was playing on the ground and i was trying to sneek reading a magazine and once maya saw it, she went after and went nuts on it. She grabbed it and literally attacked it. Once she is crawling we are all in big trouble! Maya loves going into Kalia's room and looking at all her stuff, all the stuff she will be into once she is mobile...poor kalia.
The other day I had the girl's on the bed and kalia was reading a book. Maya kept rolling over to her/on top of her and kalia kept saying very calmly, "maya, I'm trying to read a book." Then I would pull maya back and she would do it again. OK, this was the stage where maya only rolled one direction and I did put her right in the path of rolling on her sister, but it was really funny how kalia kept talking to maya so calmly, like she could reason with her. I need to stop doing things like that...this might backfire on me later.
I made maya sweet pototoes and she seems to like it. The first bite was really funny, since she hasn't eaten anything with much flavor and it was quite a little shock to her. But she happily ate it afterwards. What she really likes is water out of the sippy cup, I took the stopper out since she doesn't know to suck on it yet and she likes it just poured into her mouth, she reaches for the two handles and shoves it into her mouth. It's not much I only put a couple tablespoons in the cup, but she likes it.
We've had quite a beach week. Thursday, Erik surfed first so I could nap maya at home and then we all met down at baby beach on the mala side. It was so low tide (see first photo) that it looked like a swimming pool. Erik and Kalia were in the water inches from a humuhumu munching on some food and he kept darting out at them. It was a really fun day and kalia didn't want to leave the beach, but we promised her a whole beach day the next day...which we did. So on Friday we loaded all of the boards and everyone and headed down toward thousands peaks to meet jackie, woozer, kanoa and kapono. After deciding thousand peaks wasn't very kid friendly, we all headed to launiapoko and had a great day. We were literally out all day from 11AM and didn't get home until 6PM. We all got to surf and the kids played in the little pool at launiapoko. After a rough start with both girls, everyone ended up having a great time and maya even took a nap - on her tummy on some towels. Saturday, we kept the girls at home since they were both pretty tired, maya had a serious lack of sleep hangover from the previous day and kalia even took a nap. Erik and I took turns surfing, trading the girls at home. I am so grateful to have a husband who makes it a point to watch the girls so I get out in the water. Nothing like some surf therapy to keep mommy happy.