Sunday, June 28, 2009

june beach days

super low tide day at baby beach

kalia working hard at baby beach
kalia at thousand peaks
kalia and daddy at thousand peaks
maya and kapono at launiapoko
girls at home

These are just some videos of kalia doing her kalia thing. The other night after the girls went to bed and I was planning on immediately cleaning the bathroom (one did get cleaned that evening!) I ended up looking at all of the old posts on this blog and I couldn't believe how much kalia has changed in a year. I just wanted to put up some videos of her just being her at this age so in a year i can look back in amazement again. I can't believe that in my first post last year kalia was saying, "mommy, what doing?". Now we have full conversations!

Maya is rolly polly girl. If I leave the room, I come back and she's stuck under her bouncy seat, next to a dining table chair, rolling over a stuffed dinosaur, try to roll over the coffee table over and over again. She also gets her knees under her and pushed off with her feet. Some nights when I go to feed her in the middle of the night, she has done a 180 from where she started and is on the complete opposite side of the crib. Her favorite game right now is for me to stand her up next to her little toy basket and she grabs everything and throws it onto the ground. She also wants whatever kalia or I have. The other day during kalia's nap, she was playing on the ground and i was trying to sneek reading a magazine and once maya saw it, she went after and went nuts on it. She grabbed it and literally attacked it. Once she is crawling we are all in big trouble! Maya loves going into Kalia's room and looking at all her stuff, all the stuff she will be into once she is mobile...poor kalia.

The other day I had the girl's on the bed and kalia was reading a book. Maya kept rolling over to her/on top of her and kalia kept saying very calmly, "maya, I'm trying to read a book." Then I would pull maya back and she would do it again. OK, this was the stage where maya only rolled one direction and I did put her right in the path of rolling on her sister, but it was really funny how kalia kept talking to maya so calmly, like she could reason with her. I need to stop doing things like that...this might backfire on me later.

I made maya sweet pototoes and she seems to like it. The first bite was really funny, since she hasn't eaten anything with much flavor and it was quite a little shock to her. But she happily ate it afterwards. What she really likes is water out of the sippy cup, I took the stopper out since she doesn't know to suck on it yet and she likes it just poured into her mouth, she reaches for the two handles and shoves it into her mouth. It's not much I only put a couple tablespoons in the cup, but she likes it.

We've had quite a beach week. Thursday, Erik surfed first so I could nap maya at home and then we all met down at baby beach on the mala side. It was so low tide (see first photo) that it looked like a swimming pool. Erik and Kalia were in the water inches from a humuhumu munching on some food and he kept darting out at them. It was a really fun day and kalia didn't want to leave the beach, but we promised her a whole beach day the next day...which we did. So on Friday we loaded all of the boards and everyone and headed down toward thousands peaks to meet jackie, woozer, kanoa and kapono. After deciding thousand peaks wasn't very kid friendly, we all headed to launiapoko and had a great day. We were literally out all day from 11AM and didn't get home until 6PM. We all got to surf and the kids played in the little pool at launiapoko. After a rough start with both girls, everyone ended up having a great time and maya even took a nap - on her tummy on some towels. Saturday, we kept the girls at home since they were both pretty tired, maya had a serious lack of sleep hangover from the previous day and kalia even took a nap. Erik and I took turns surfing, trading the girls at home. I am so grateful to have a husband who makes it a point to watch the girls so I get out in the water. Nothing like some surf therapy to keep mommy happy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

father's day

father's day 2009
breakfast at gazebo
post dinner hang out with the family
father's day early morning session with maya

gazebo line
kalia and daddy
papa and maya
kalia and her moustache like papa's
playing outside
maya's first meal - kalia feeding her
sucking on my toes in between bites
cuddling on the bed

We had a nice father's day. The morning started with a nice early morning maya lovey session on the bed. Kalia and Maya currently have completely opposite schedules, which makes it hard and nice at the same time. Maya goes to bed early (6PM - 6:30PM) and wakes up early (6AM - 6:30AM) and Kalia goes to bed later (8PM - 8:30PM) and we wake her up at 8AM if she's not already awake. This means in the morning we have some nice maya time, like we did on father's day morning before kalia wakes up and then we have kalia time at night after maya goes to bed. I'm sure this will all change once kalia starts going to school and we need to get her up earlier for school. We don't have a lot of alone maya time, so it can be nice in the morning, but some mornings it feels very early and I know I'm not fully appreciating my maya time. Father's day morning we had a great cuddle session with maya on the bed and I got to tickle her relentlessly. I will put the video on later.

Then we had a leisurely morning - gave daddy his card and present and then headed to gazebo to wait in the longest line we've ever waited in! The girls did amazing! Maya was great in line and sat in her car seat through almost the entire meal even though she was over due for a nap! Kalia also did great and was quite patient. She was really looking forward to her mickey mouse shaped pancake with white chocolate chips, so was I since I usually eat about half of it. Of course I let Greg convince me to get the full order of fried rice which is an obscene amount of food, but erik, kalia and i ate the rest of it for lunch the next day. Alana was able to meet us just when all of our food was coming out - perfect timing! It was a great time - Erik had to work later and we played outside with the girls.

Erik and I are a little afraid that Kalia is catching on too quickly to our spelling out words we don't want her to hear trick. Yesterday he asked me if it was going to be a "no N-A-P" day and she said, "nap?" Then the other day uncle greg spelled, "C-A-K-E" and she knew it was cake. I know that word she learned from wordworld, damn you PBS shows.

Kalia is also getting a little tricky. The other day I gave her a bowl with blueberries and apples for snack and I guess she didn't want the apples because she said to me, "Mommy, do YOU want some apples? You LOVE apples!" Very enthusiastically. Also at nap time lately, she has been wanting to read the books. It started out by letting her read one book, now it's two books and the other day she wanted to read all three. Some times if she doesn't know all the words to the story she makes it up and it ends up taking a while, so I don't want her to read the stories. Anyway, yesterday she had read two stories and then she picked up the third one and looked at me and said, "maybe I should read this story, since you're holding maya".

Today the girl's nap/quiet time overlapped by 11 minutes. I actually had 11 minutes all to myself. I'm sure that their napping will coordinate at some point...right? Will I ever had a clean bathroom? Actually I could clean more while maya naps since kalia is pretty good on her own, but i'm so far behind in life that i don't know where to begin. We all vacuumed yesterday, I forgot how physically exerting it is to vacuum with a baby in the baby bjorn. Kalia helped with her toy vacuum.

Maya has been able to stay up a little bit longer between naps and some naps are getting longer (although not today). So it looks like we might actually be getting out more. I took the girls on an extended errand run today to long's and safeway. Since I had to wait for a prescription, I decided to get kalia and I a snack at starbucks while I nursed maya. I was feeling pretty good about the whole trip and I had kalia all set up with her own cup of orange juice and muffin broken into bite sized pieces in front of her and I sat down to feed maya. Of course as soon as I think I have everything under control, I see Kalia get up and start doing the I have to go potty dance. I know the bathroom is clear across the mall and I have a baby attached to me and now kalia's bite sized pieces of muffin seem like a huge mess to clean up. I did consider asking kalia to hold it for a while, but we've had a few accidents lately and I could see one way where my situation could get a little worse. For someone who had to go potty so badly, she sure was distracted by the patterns in the floor, the toy store, the group of kids sitting on the bench, it took forever to get us to the bathroom. Anyway, it all worked out and we continued our snack at the food court and now I think it's all sort of funny. I'm just waiting for my video to upload, so I can go to bed...let me see if there's anything else to write about...

We fed Maya her first meal of rice cereal on her 5 month birthday yesterday. She was really into it. She was watching Kalia and I eat more of kalia's ice cream birthday cake and I decided to just do it. It wasn't very much, but she kept leaning in for more. I think I will make some sweet potatoes for her in a few days. I made all of kalia's food, so i feel like i need to make maya's food too or so erik and my mom have reminded me.

Oh, this might be considered TMI, but I'm going to write it anyway. Maya had the biggest blow out this morning. She has been going pretty long without pooping, but she sure made up for it this morning. It was everywhere. It was all over her sheets, it was all over both the front and back of her onesie and all over her. I didn't know where to begin and we ended up throwing her in the bath and I think I need to just throw out that onesie. OK, sorry that was definitely TMI. Come on video...I need some sleep.

I'm canceling the video, I'll do it tomorrow, I need some serious sleep.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

adventure day

watching kalia's show
honokahau river on adventure day
there were tons of little miniature frogs
kalia on her seat at the river
sitting with papa

kalia sitting with papa watching mysterious fish jump out of the water
(daddy throwing rocks to make splashes)
maya dips her feet in the river

naked girl floating down the river
kalia's pool
kahakuloa lookout
papa and the girls

papa and his grandchildren
with maya

We had adventure day today with papa and the girls. We drove up to Honokahau and had fun in the river. Kalia really had fun in the river and climbing all over the rocks. She told me after her nap today that she loved going in the water and it feels really good on a hot day. Maya in her normal cruiser fashion, did not think twice when we dipped her into the chilly water.

Friday, June 19, 2009

papa is living the blog

kalia in her monkey chair and tinkerbell panties
eating frosting with my hands next to alana
frosting shaka
maya tri-poding briefly
playing in kalia's room
tummy time on kalia
playing with papa outside

Maya is officially our rolly polly girl. I can't leave her on the bed any longer. I left her there briefly to take kalia to the potty (I could see her from the bathroom) and had to run over half way through to make sure she didn't roll off the bed. She can do 3 consecutive full rolls in no time. Right now she is two feet off her activity mat almost under the dining room table. Now she just rolled next to kalia's birthday gifts, we still haven't put away. She's also able to be on her tummy and grab and play with things in her hands. I don't remember Kalia being this good at tummy time at this age.

Kalia has been not lacking in attention, not only is papa staying with us, but uncle greg and alana (home from school) have been coming over every day. Kalia was pretending to paint a lion on papa's arm today, just like the clown at her party was doing face/body painting. Kalia also always asks to be thrown in the air by uncle greg and rode alana the horsey the other evening.

Monday, June 15, 2009

kalia's birthday party

Kalia and Wyatt's 3rd (annual) birthday party at Pohailani
June 14, 2009
Wyatt and Kalia being greeted by the clown.

Maya ready to party!
Kalia waiting for the clown to do face painting (on her hand)

Wyatt's cool dragon
Kalia getting her pink heart painted on her hand with sparkles.
Kalia showing off her heart in her swimsuit that tutu sent her (everyone loved it tutu!)
Someone thought she looked like a cake!
Maya laughing at her sister.
kalia and papa watching the face painting

clown making balloon animals for the kids
lily and kalia
kalia watching magic show on daddy's lap
watching magic show
magic show
kalia helping with a magic trick...look at her little face, she's not used to being in front of a crowd! sydney helped her stand in front of everyone!

slip and slide

with sydney
wyatt's scooby doo cake
kalia's tinkerbell cake
blowing out candles
wyatt and kalia waiting for cake!
eating cake
playing with papa

Sunday was Kalia and Wyatt's 3rd annual birthday party. There was a little pool, slip and slide and clown that did face painting, balloon animals and a magic show. I think everyone had a really good time. Kalia took a little while to warm up to the slip and slide, but ended up having a lot of fun with the water. She also really liked the clown and went right up to her and even got up to be part of the magic show - we were really proud! She also waited to get her hand painted with a pink heart with sparkles.

We had a tinkerbell cake for kalia and a scooby doo cake for Wyatt from cold stone- they were really yummy. We still have a ton of cake in the freezer, if anyone wants's pink inside (strawberry ice cream).

Of course we are still opening presents, because kalia still opens one present then plays with it. But we are enjoying stretching it out. She got a small monkey folding chair and has been sitting outside in it all morning. She also got some tinkerbell panties and those might be the only clothes she wears today.

This morning papa got kalia to go down on all fours and pretend to be a horse so maya could ride on her back along the sidewalk. It was pretty cute, kalia would do almost anything for her sister right now.

So we survived the weekend and everyone had a great time!